Last Chance to Transfer from Season of Mastery Realms

I moved to an area with no interneeeeeeeeet! How dare you DeLeTe My ChArAcTeR?


People would still blame blizzard. Blizzard could put out an amber alert with a year in advance and people would still miss it and complain on the forums the day of character deletion.


Guys I have no internet thats why I am typing here please extend it to 3 days else I will spam this forum that you did not give us enough times for the next 29 years. Thanks bye

My sympathy goes to those who have been off the grid for the last year and wont acknowledge that information from Blizzard was given before their characters are no longer.

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RiP in Peace

RIP is an acronym for Rest In Peace, so you are saying rest in Peace in Peace :smiley:


The issue is blizzard isnt giving this information out via EMAIL

A extreme minority of wow players view the official forums, let alone the people not currently subbed to the game.

I get spammed by blizzard about every damn call of duty update when i dont even play it, yet they cant be bothered to send a single email about deleting people’s characters


You got the first ‘P’ wrong m8 :shushing_face:

It’s true but they’d have a lot less ground to stand on if blizzard communicated outside of in-game/forum channels. An email to the account owner is standard for any company deleting your data.


You mean a quick note that’s not even pinned on the forums is insufficient?


Yes :expressionless:
deal with it
blizzard is under no obligation to track down every last person who might want to see this news. people are responsible for their own dang data.


Transfers are what, a couple of clicks? If a player doesn’t have 5 minutes to do a transfer, then adding multiple days is not going to help.


Woot another topic for players to post about. Oh i didnt know they were closing SOM realms please bring them back because i didnt know the realms were being shut down.

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The transfers have been available for a while. SOM has been gone. Quit finding anything to cry about


Hey thanks for the fair warning.

Question as to why they are going away tho… Is there a reason why they cant be stored in a format that deletes the character / guild association and makes them basically into a template character for players who may have quit but would like to pick back up later?

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They have our email addresses, it’s not like they need to hire Sherlock Holmes to communicate with me.
Also, stuff it SoM clone …

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Hey clone ppl, get your SOM toon. I don’t want to hear that bi7chen too.

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Eh, I just mute them. While I feel sympathetic to their plight, there’s far too many clone threads.

They did the exact same post for clones…

Because it’s funny to hear people whine about dumb things.