Larian Studios calls out Blizzard

Same! The Stupid shops, and the eventual and inevitable Pay to Win items! Eventually actual progression is impossible!


But that’s a Bethseda feature! :grin:


To be fair they eventually squash them and make something wonderful. I did not buy anything of theirs day one

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Or at least the modding community does. Works out either way.


Yeah, I love skyrim. It is probably the most played game in the history of games for me.

But I acknowledge it played like crap for a lot of people for a while


They did not make the first two that was Black Isle studios. They spent under 5 years with two of them being Covid years. That is far less time than Blizzard spent on D4 or EA spent on Anthem or Dragon Age 4 (so far).


That game had early access for 3 years

Charged full price for players to beta test their game basically while in early access

Meanwhile “bug in any other game” still in beta LOL

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Actually, that is true, forgot XD

People are taking these tweets way the heck out of context because it suits some sort of narrative war that they want to spin.

A handful of devs complaining about BG3 does not mean that EA, Blizzard, or whoever else is badmouthing Larian. No company has put out any official statements saying that they’d never try something like BG3 because its scope is too big or whatever. It’s just employees of either company having personal back and forths over twitter.

Really, I don’t see what’s so big and grand about BG3 to begin with. It just seems like any other CRPG with AAA graphics, which by the way are not necessary at all, and especially not to CRPGs.

I’m sure BG3 is a good game. I haven’t played it yet, but I will at some point since I enjoyed Div: OS 1 and I hated enjoying Div: OS 2. But people are pretending this is the second coming of video game jesus and I just don’t see it.


cost the same with 100% less microtransactions and on-launch purchasable extras.


They didn’t start until 2018 and 2020 and 2021 was scuffed. Now compare that to most AAA RPGs. How long did it take D3 and D4? Overwatch? Anthem? Dragon Age 4? Skyrim? Fallout4? Starfield?


Id argue the fact we have a sub thats required is the problem that and the store plenty of games are guiltt of it but a better comparison is other single player or slightlt multiplayer games with tons of dlc so diablo for example

I wish they would more often. Truthfully, I wish non-video game industries did the same.

Call out the nonsense whenever you can.


If people want to have a professional discussion based on facts, that would be fine.

Twitter is the opposite of everything in that sentence.


I don’t want to swing too far in the other way… But yes, the customer is not always right and should be called out as such

But I would never do that if I owned a company. Because it’s a mine field. Maybe I would use a proxy account

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I like how every “news” outlet has basically been suckling BG3 teat for them sweet sweet views. I saw one that was like “They’ve revolutionized character creation for the RPG industry” when in reality it’s a pretty basic and standard character creation.


I mean, it is getting Increasingly good reviews so that’s what I pay attention to.

Peer review and professional

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Hate it or love it, it is a conversation medium. I’m pretty sure it’s the largest gaming forum on the planet.

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Just let them work from their jail cells

How many lives has twitter ruined, at this point?

It’s a pretty big number.