Larian Studios calls out Blizzard

Like I think the epitome of mediocrity with Skyrim was that when I got to the climax, fighting Alduin on valhalla’s lawn I was faced with… a dragon. Just like the dozens I’d flattened leading up to this point, just with a slightly different model and fog.

No extra abilities or unque movesets. No compelling dialogue or witty reparte, just a dragon I yelled at once and then proceeded to beat to death.

And the thing is, I’m sure that there are modders who have done all kinds of things to polish up the game and that they’re legitimately skilled but there are a few things I felt the need to point out.

  1. I bought the game for my Xbox360 and thus their were no mods to download.
  2. Modders for Bethesda are essentially unpaid interns fixing up their game for them.
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This is a game where you can pick up one man and use him to beat another man to death.

I’m not sure how it get’s more interesting then that.

Also: there is a hell of a lot more to the game then it’s combat.


I remember when the Basic edition came out. Then Expert came out and my entire world changed forever. Get off my lawn. :wink:

I didn’t say it’s a bad game but my personal tastes value combat feel over anything else and it just doesn’t look that fun to me personally :man_shrugging:

A 6 year development cycle with half of that on early access where they get paid to continue development, with the 2nd half of the game being buggy and poorly optimized?

I enjoyed BG3, but it still has some warts people haven’t gotten to yet. Like Elder Scrolls, people are forgiving some of its issues due to scope and ambition.

Or to pirate or buy the game used.

If the argument is “They will get profits”, then these two things will guarantee they don’t pretty much.

Okay, I got to be honest… This answer is just nonsensical for those who want to play it.

You can’t just expect people to not to play the game in any capacity if your entire argument revolves around profits.

It’s like with that Hogwarts Legacy drama. With those Activists :tm: going “If you buy the game, you are MAKING THE TRANS PEOPLE GO BACK TO THEIR HOMES BY GIVING JK ROWLING MONEY!!”… And some people suggested “Alright i’l pirate it then”, and then their like “NO NO!! IF YOU PIRATE IT, YOU’RE A BAD PERSON FOR DOING THAT!!!” And their like “What the heck? You tell me if i’m giving money to the HL devs, i would be a bad person, now if i didn’t do that, i’m still a bad person?”

Like… Why do you care anymore if people pirate games or not, if your entire argument revolves around The publishers/dev’s profits?! :man_facepalming:

What, is it because it’s not “legal”? Because Devs/Publishers wouldn’t get the money? Uhh. News flash, used game market exists and it’s NO DIFFERENT from piracy. Infact, it’s worse for Devs/Publishers, because now, somebody else is getting money.

Let me put that into perspective for you. Here’s The Sims 1, Complete Collection, $150 on Amazon.

What happens if somebody do pay for it? That’s $150 to Amazon and to whomever is selling it. EA and Maxis aren’t going to see that money.

Enazarke, let’s not conflating liking some things in a game or still enjoying something with weakness.

Infact, realizing what you like and dislike about a game and that you don’t have to enjoy everything a game has to offer, is a strength.

I don’t enjoy everything i play in my games, including the microtransactions, and honestly, that’s fine.

My problem is… if you’re just sitting here, telling me people shouldn’t enjoy feature-less MTX filled games, it would just overall weaken the point if it’s coming from a WoW player.

Though honestly, that’s half not your fault, given 75% to 90% of the games these days are like that.


And those are the same people who did the same from Shadowlands from BFA…

BFA from Legion.
Legion from WoD.
WoD from Mop.
Mop From Cata.
Cata from Wrath.
Wrath from TBC.
TBC from Vanilla.
Vanilla from Warcraft 3 even if you want to go back that far…

Tbh, that’s kind of to be expected to see similarities or leftovers from the previous expansion to be in the current one. I mean atfer all, WoD is just an offshoot of Mop’s farms, and that carried throughout until Dragonflight.

Pre-Activision Blizzard told gamers to wait, and they produced some of the best games of all time. New Blizzard is pumping out ‘NOW’ trash and milking the IP’s better developers made to please their shareholders. Don’t blame the gamers. Acti-Blizzard is producing trash.


I don’t.
I just won’t condone pirating either.

That said… I understand why some would do it, and I definitely won’t say that you should pirate games that have DRMs implemented in them.

Problem is, I do not enjoy playing Dragonflight, I do enjoy “playing the forums” more though. I consider my momentary lapse of judgement when I genuinely considered the good reviews of Dragonflight, and as a result bought the expansion and subs, a weakness.

Certainly! I know… that is how I feel. Especially when it comes from people who do in fact enjoy WoW in its current state.

Eh no, I reckon most people who have been here since WC3 have quit at this point. I went away after Shadowlands. I did not initially preorder or purchase Dragonflight. I think I bought it in march or may, something like that. I gave it some months to bake and see the reviews.

But I also did not get any additional responsibilities over the years. I am not a father or a mother, I distanced myself from my family, I do have friends I occasionally do out and drink with and game other games with, no boy or girlfriend, So yeah, plenty of time to still be gaming outside of work. Unlike most other in my generation who have been with World of Warcraft since 2004.

I don’t know about Shadowlands, never played it. When I say same, I meant still the same lack of content and the same boring design. Just without borrowed power.

I should also have remembered that the Shadowlands set the bar so incredibly low, appearantly, for what would be considered great in the future… as I understand it, it was just so incredibly bad that it could hardly get worse.

seems weird to call a $25 cosmetic purchase a “microtransaction” but i guess we’re past the point where words have to mean specific things on this forum


Exactly. The companies release the products that they do and include microtransactions and time-wasting activities because players literally pay them billions of dollars for doing it.

If players want those things to go away, stop buying those products. Instead, we end up with situations where CoD is so popular and important to the game industry that it actually held up a corporate merger…despite the game being built around everything players “hate”

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If you have a problem with people buying games you dislike because the publishers will get profits, then you don’t have a problem with people pirating games you dislike because the publishers wouldn’t get profits.

If you have a problem with people pirating games you dislike, then you don’t have a problem with people buying games you dislike.

You can’t have it both ways here.

The only way believable way you think you can have both here, is your doing this to not only spite the game, but to anybody who even thinks about of playing, not just buying, playing it. Again, Hogwarts Legacy “Damn if you do, damn if you don’t” Nonsense.

Not to sound like a jerk, but you’re not addressing the main point i’m saying here: Playing. Not Buying. Playing.

…Then play something else? :man_shrugging:

You’re not forced to play something if you don’t wholly enjoy it then.

That is definitely a weakness of the individual, not doing research of what the game has before buying it.

Some people, believe it or not, might not like the change from RTS to MMO. Not everybody is gonna like a genre change. Let alone a story retcons to give a reason on why factions exist and to have the MMO generally happen.

This is from W3 to Vanilla.

When you change that drastically, you risk losing fans. Even if it’s a total net positive, fans has any number of reasons, why they liked that specific game, and how the sequel, pretty much lost them.

It’s kind of like GTA going from a top down shooter to a thrid person shooter.

Or The Witcher going from a CRPG to a console friendly Souls-like.

Or Fallout going from Iso turn based sort of shooter to FPS.

Again, I don’t care if you pirate it.
I just won’t condone it.

Not like I am going to report you to the police for it either though, it is not my problem.

I am, I do not play WoW right now. I tend to type out when I wait for enemies to finish their turns - sometimes I type a little too fast, and I have to edit responses quite often.

I did look at reviews, Dragonflight released in November, I bought it in March/May, probably closer to March, if not start of April, can’t remember, but a few months in between to let the game cook and let people get over the honeymoon period.

Yes, it is a weakness, but World of Warcraft is a game that have been with me for a very long time, like with many others. I still hope that it can be good again some day.

Sigh. What do you mean “I don’t care”?.. :point_down:

Why you contradict yourself then if you don’t care?

I mean, when people don’t care, they tend not to comment on it… or don’t disagree or agree or try to argue against it. Again, you can’t have it both ways.

Do you even know what i’ve meant when i bought that Hogwarts Legacy example up?..

I mean reviews that aren’t the user scores on metacritic where it’s just essentially one liners. I’m talking about like the Youtube Vids that deep dive into the game and see what they got, for a good 20 to 40 minutes.

Take your ThAC0 and go home old man!

5e is great, easy to understand, easy to play, and easy to get involved with. Been playing for 8 years now with 5e.

BG3 is great. Started a Monk last night–only thing tho which is kinda annoying is that I’m a drow who does decently during the daytime. That feels wrong. But it’s nitpicky.


I didn’t originally comment on people pirating games, you forced this into the discussion.

I just said I would rather see people not buy it at all. Does that mean they would just have to not play the game? Yes.

Plain and simple.

Did you think I was suggesting people still try to get access to the game somehow?

I do not care if people pirate games.
But I also do not go around telling people to pirate games, I won’t pirate games, I won’t support pirating games, but if you do, I don’t care.

I do not see any contradiction here.

If a game has microtransactions, yes, then I think you should not purchase it. This does not mean that I think you should pirate it, it means exactly what it says, I don’t think you should purchase it.

Because your entire argument revolves around profits.

It was appropriate to bring it up.

And that is what i call “being spiteful towards the people who wants to play it”… Which, you’re still avoiding the fact i’m talking about PLAYING, not buying, playing. Why are you intentionally ignoring that fact?

Why do you care if they play the game, even for free? And please don’t tell me “You don’t care”, because i don’t believe that for a new york minute at this point.

You’re not addressing the fact there’s people who want to play games. PLAY. GAMES. The people who want to, PLAY GAMES, would disagree with you vehemently on this.

Nobody said you have to. I’m simply saying, that if you’re Entire argument is built around publishers and devs getting money, then you don’t have a problem with piracy. You can’t have it both ways.

Then you don’t have a problem with people buying games then.

You clearly do care, otherwise you wouldn’t have commented on it.

…A person who contradicted themselves, don’t see their on contradictions? Shocker. /s :roll_eyes:

Okay, so you have no problem with people pirating then.

If you think you can have it both ways, then you don’t have any real points to begin with since it’s just coming from… quite frankly, childish spite.

Again, Hogwarts Legacy Nonsense as i’ve said before… You’re one of those people who just call people bad people for not even thinking about playing it, are you? :expressionless:

Seeing some pretty epic leaps of logic in here.


If the argument of not playing the game is because of profits (and mind you, saying or implying it’s bad to do so), then piracy or getting the game free or buying from a use market should be no problem for them. Simple logic.

A: “If you play this game, you’re giving them money and rewarding them for bad practices!”
B: “…Okay, i’l get it while not paying the devs and publishers somehow, I’l wait until Epic games have this for Free even.”
B: “Why do you care?..”
A: “What you talking about? I don’t care.”
B “…Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight… You don’t care so much, you’re don’t want somebody playing it for free either… riiiiiiiiiiiiight…”