Large RPPVP alliance guilds?

Hi. Are there any large alliance guilds who mainly PVP (with a focuss on RBGs and WPVP) and who also do some RP ?

Have some very well geared and experienced toons in PVP and I like to RP too from time to time.

Thanks to all

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Head into the Alliance discord and scout out the groups listed in there. There are some great guilds that RP-PVP right now. :slight_smile:

Alliance RP Discord:

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I’d recommend checking out Lionguard or The Ashen Vale if you’re looking to join a larger RP-PvP guild. My guild may be too small for what you’re looking for.

If you’ve got a dwarf, Clan Battlehammer is also a good option.

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Ahoy! Yes, contact me in-game. We in Lionguard would love to chat with you!

Pride & Glory
Lionguard Commander