Laissez Faire - a policy or attitude of letting things take their own course, without interfering. French for “allow to do”.
We are a semi hardcore guild with a core group of Vanilla vets, retail raiders, people coming back to WoW after a couple of expansions hiatus, and real life friends. Our raid leader runs a laid back, efficient team raid, with the ultimate goals of completing Naxx, and seeing what comes next for Classic.
Our team is closing in on one hour MC clears, and are currently getting ready for the release of BWL. We are now looking for 2 mages to join the guild as raid members. All players are welcome (shout out to our newest members!), but we can’t guarantee a raid spot for anyone other than mages at this time.
Message Fordac, Jambi or Kastang in game, or please reach out to one of our members and they will put you in touch with an officer, we will want to talk to you in our Discord channel. Looking forward to hearing from you!