Lagged out hardcore

So I was hanging out on one of my alts in the Barrens and everything just got super choppy and lagged to high heavens to the point where I DCd. Now I’m having issues getting in. Anyone know whats going on? Is it another DDoS attack?

It’s probably from Asmongold doing a raid of 300+ people onto orgrimmar.

300+ Jesus how did he get so many people to go do that? How badly did he crush us?

He’s a very popular streamer, so it’s pretty easy for him to gather a bunch of people. Plus, a lot of hordies want to kill him on stream, so it actually ended up being about 400-500 people. Most of his raid ended up in separate layers because of all the people.

Oh god that actually sounds super epic on paper. I could only imagine what that sort of chaos looked like in the actual game lol

lot more then 300

It’s a laggy mess lol

I had to head off and do some grown up nonsense. Is the server still feeling the effect of the raid?