Lag/Jittering with every quest hand-in/Level up

what patch? im east coast and have no patch. did a scan and nothing, still at

Yay! It’s back to normal now!!

It’s a fix, not a patch.

Here is

Everything seems to be working fine here on my end. The loading screen no longer flickers and i’m not getting a freeze after quests :slight_smile:

Also reporting in that everything is back to working normally for me too. There is a very, very small hesitation when I loot items but its nothing like before.

Possibly related but the old Legion bug of mounting on an invisible mount and having to navigate via minimap is no longer present in Boralus for me. Still happens in Legion Dalaran but it had gone away in BFA only to reappear in patch 8.2.

Thanks for fixing this, Blizzard. Please don’t break it again!

Hey all,

It looks like the original issue we were investigating here is now resolved. Thanks for the confirmation. To prevent this from getting murky with unrelated issues, we’re going to lock this thread. If you have other technical issues, please create your own thread or contact support.