Lag/Jittering with every quest hand-in/Level up

All is well here too. In time for the faction assault in Boralus too! Thank you Blizzard.

Looks like it’s fixed for me now as well.

fixed too with the update, thanks blizz :smiley:

Tooltip.log now at 6.52mb and climbing. How high should we expect this to go? before long it will be larger than the rest of my entire battlenet folder by itself.


Stuttering fixed. But… tooltip file is currently at 10mb and climbing. Loading screens are far worse than they were when I had tooltip and hotfix files disabled. Something is definitely still going on.


Seems to be fixed. But I am still using the work around since my log files grows way to fast and loading screens takes more time then it was before. With the work around I have no problem at all.

I’ve just confirmed something about the tooltip.log, it seems like the file resets at every login, I had like 12mb after I logged off last time, so I logged again on BN and after I launched the game my tooltip file was back to 200kb. May someone else confirm this please? At least looks like we don’t have to worry about it getting bigger as it resets at every session.

I noticed the same with the log files (hotfix and tooltip), tooltip already at 1 mb. Don’t know how big these files can get to. As a side note, ever since 8.2.5, the game closes too quickly when I exit game. Previously it takes 2-3 sec to close, now its instant. Just feels really weird.
Edit: It seems tooltip does reset after re-login. Mine went down to 20kb. Does this mean the longer you stay logged in, the bigger the file gets to?

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Think I’ll be leaving the logs as read only. A log file shouldnt be getting into the multi-megabyte range in a play session. That’s still a lot of writing. Has anyone ever needed to actually access any of these logs for troubleshooting any other issues? If it’s telemetry being sent to Blizzard automatically there should be an option to disable that.


Did you reboot after the patch? my loading screens are instant now, it’s nice like it was before the patch, no idea about the tooltip tho

Confirming the Tooltip.log does reset each time game is launched. That thing can get pretty big though each session.

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i been playing all day no stuttering but yeah the tooltip.log can get pretty big

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Will test once Im finish working…hopefully it will fix…

It is fixed for me! And also fixed was my gamma flashing on load screens and also the LUA error with pets on the AH! Great patch, thank you so much for fixing it Blizzard.

what patch? im east coast and have no patch. did a scan and nothing, still at

Yay! It’s back to normal now!!

It’s a fix, not a patch.

Here is

Everything seems to be working fine here on my end. The loading screen no longer flickers and i’m not getting a freeze after quests :slight_smile:

Also reporting in that everything is back to working normally for me too. There is a very, very small hesitation when I loot items but its nothing like before.

Possibly related but the old Legion bug of mounting on an invisible mount and having to navigate via minimap is no longer present in Boralus for me. Still happens in Legion Dalaran but it had gone away in BFA only to reappear in patch 8.2.

Thanks for fixing this, Blizzard. Please don’t break it again!