Lag into freeze into DC

I’ve tried playing the game this morning mostly Solo Shuffle. I think I’ve ruined 4 lobbies. Got deserted for it at least once. I haven’t logged back in after the last one. The match start off with small delays in abilities going off. By round 2 I begin seeing people run in place. Abilities have ceased going off. I can see others chatting about the game still. I see my chat go off sometimes, but no one responds leaving me to believe they cannot see my chat. I try logging in 3-4 more times each shuffle match only to rinse and repeat the above scenario, albeit with much faster results. I’ve been at it for the last couple hours. I tried disabling all addons, deleted all weakauras, and reset the router. Is their any troubleshooting that I can do to resolve the issue?

Possibly a connection issue, UI reset would be my next suggestion, as well as other things to optimize your connection.

There has to be something that is going on w/ the authentication servers. It is even lagging hard when I just tried to log into my app on my phone. To even post on here, I had to sign out and sign back in for it to recognize my BNET account. Is there a DDS attack targeting BNET?

Lol - then it’s showing me as a 58 DK (i’m 80).