Lag in Boralus

And I guess those of us that think warmode is unappealing game play and a waste of time can just go **** ourselves?


Edit: Since this was an unhelpful blue response, for those of you that find warmode intolerable, just make a friend on a server on a different data center and party with them.

Guess CRZ is good for something.

Hello, I am in game right now & will be there the majority of the afternoon. If you need to ‘catch’ someone in game & watch the lag, I will be happy to your guinea pig . I will be attempting to do the dailies & other stuff on multiple toons. Ravencrest is the realm. Wish you would get this cleared up soon, like others, yesterday/last night, I was unable to complete the turtle daily. I’ve also been getting a loading screen when flying into Drustvar from Boralus. Right after I land the game does the loading screen, like it does when you log onto a toon or zone into a dungeon or raid. Thanks!

Omg, I keep forgetting these forums do not log you onto the last toon you posted on & keep forgetting to switch toons to post. >.< UGH! Dasserlond is the toon that I am currently logged onto in game.

On Sen’jin today, just after the daily reset, I was experiencing 1-2 seconds of delay while doing world quests in Tiragarde Sound but outside the city of Boralus. I logged out for a little bit after completing four quests.

With a second character, around 12:00-12:15 PM server time, I was able to complete three quests in Tiragarde Sound and one in Boralus without the lag present. It was as I would expect from the reported latency of approximately 50 ms.

I switched to another character to do the same four quests, but this time there was server lag. The quest in Boralus did not involve lag, but setting foot outside the city into Tiragarde Sound quickly resulted in my experiencing some server lag. This time it was probably in the 0.5-1.0 second range.

Server lag has been present somewhat frequently for a while now. I’m not sure if the Boralus/Tiragarde Sound server lag started showing up with the last major patch, but the recurring presence of server lag throughout the expansion is getting rather old.

Ravencrest lag continues to be frustrating! It hasn’t impacted mythic dungeons/timewalking but is impacting all other game play - including raiding. It also seems to get worse as the day goes on - this morning was slight delay - 1 - 3 seconds but now it’s well over 15 - 20 seconds - getting mailed items was brutal and took multiple attempts to retrieve 4 mailed items.

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lmao you should read the arena fourms if you think he was that unhelpful LOL 10x worse

post about pvp in wow being terrible and unfun. get directed to pvp issue as if relevant.

Ravencrest/Uldaman lag continues. Warmode seemed to alleviate it some for me (as does leaving Boralus or Tiragarde sound as a whole). Seems fine in mythics/dungeons, but raids are being affected. Ping is fine (13 ms home/world). Most people seem to be just digging their heals in and trying to deal with it, but trade chat has been voicing concerns a bit more as it continues to go on for days (especially since tiragarde is the emissary today with a good reward, and a lot of us are finding it difficult/impossible to complete it)

I noticed some issues earlier in the week while doing pet trainer battles but wasn’t able to actually play until 5/3 around 9pm MST. Tried doing the turtle WQ Make Loh Go and ended up giving up for a while. Finally completed it after 20+ attempts. Most of the lag seems to be in actual fighting or the mini games , the turtle matching game was slow but not effected otherwise. The worst part has been the flight whistle. You use it the bird comes and lands a few feet away then just sits there, won’t pick you up then finally disappears and you whistle is on CD. That was the most complaints I saw in chat besides the lag. I did have the whistle issue earlier in the week but it would eventually work now it won’t pick me up at all.

It is so funny that you mentioned this because it is exactly what they did when I complained about it on Twitter. Almost word for word lol

I’m experiencing the same thing on Winterhoof. 25ms home, 27ms world, and yet delays of 2-5 seconds when looting, casting spells, using abilities, etc.

Hey everybody,

This is related to these issues. We’ve been making periodic improvements, but depending on how sharding pans out it continues to occur. It’s still on our radar.

Locking this thread to make sure we’re keeping reports all in one place.