Ladies Lounge and Megathread

Don’t need too, my partner woke me up with a phone call, now I gotta be awake because he is coming home in an hours time.

shakes awake gus wake up!

The Sunday Thread started in the Customer Service forums with a player complaining that they had received a 2-week ban for making anti-semitic remarks in chat.

Perl responded in their normal fashion, explaining that they had likely broken the ToS, etc etc…

The person responded by making 6(?) GD threads, most of which were very anti-semitic…but one specifically targeted Perl by name and was pretty bad.

Hopefully, they are perma-banned now, but it’s hard to say with the way the forum moderators apply punishment.


I think Perl has been ok, although I’m worried myself with what they’ve had to go through when someone did that, but I think Perl has dealt with something like this before and knows what exactly to do.


People seem to hold them up on a pedestal, as if they work for Blizzard because they got a special role. People can’t complain to Blizzard so they take it out on them instead.

what’s automated about it?

it’s always been this way.
green text is a target on ones back.


For real. If it were automated, the poster would have been shut down way before I ran out of flags.

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i never went to bed brah.

excuse me for a second…well more than a second.

tick tock tick tock tick tock…

C’mon, time is ticking. We need muffins.

Don’t wake puppy.

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what i refer to not…talk about more. anyways my thread ruined by a certain warthin troll.

Glory to all men!!!

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IKR unlike you that would never ruin any warthin threads. :slight_smile:

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as a man i can confirm :laughing:

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That would be perfect for the TP end reward!

As soon as I married, I learned the wife hack. Go to the deli section of your grocery store, buy two different foot long subs for $6.00 each (cheaper than subway because they don’t have any dressings), cut in three; add mustard and mayo or whatever you like. You now have 6 days worth of lunch for a tad over $12. This is far cheaper and less work than buying the bread, cheese, meat separately. They even usually have the little single serving mustard and mayo packets available around the deli counter sometimes if you don’t wanna buy the bottles.

Add in chips or granola bar for side snack. Done.


Yeah it can be amusing.

It’s also amusing that by the time I got on lunch to check for a reply, there’s over 100 new posts lol.

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decorates the lounge with some Lego flowers knowing they’ll never wither away, because everyone will forget to water them