Ladies Lounge and Megathread

you people and your inferior measurement system to the mighty imperial system. come at me metric system.

That’s the best part, getting to feed them! They’re just so cute and majestic :sob: I love them.

When I was younger, I always wanted to run one of those rescue orgs. Ya know, they rescue abandoned baby animals and raise them, helping them before releasing them back into the wild.

Didn’t he also make the children of the corn movies? :thinking: I forget.

Fahrenheit is freedom units. Change my mind.

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Inferior huh? Is that why most of the world uses Metric?

They are cowards clearly smh

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most of the world is wrong.

this is kind of interesting, because i saw a video the other day where someone took to the streets to ask people “how many minutes are in quarter of an hour”

…and overwhelmingly, the response was “25 minutes”.

which seems to indicate that america would benefit greatly from switching to the metric system, if peoples brains think in sets of 100.

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you move up on friends list hierarchy. definitely above a certain PERSON.

I would like to say we Americans are quite dumb, but I don’t have room to talk since I dropped out in the 6th grade :dracthyr_lulmao:

If I said Americans are dumb, I’d first have to look at us Aussies, who lost a war to Emu’s.

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we just ahnnilate them with tanks. emus wouldnt know what hit them.

We tried that. Trust me, Emu’s are the worse to go to war against.

I mean… to be fair, Emu’s are quite terrifying.


well tanks and incendiary bombs. scorched earth all the way.

And become like Nevada? No thanks.

Trolls gone. Ty :heart:

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Told everyone, report, and don’t engage, and look at how fast it helped with moderation.


yuoure already like nevada.

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Hope everyone is feeling ok. Forums been full of drama lately but it’s nice to see people being supportive to each other


Im out of likes again. Heres a cookie.