Ladies Lounge and Megathread

Bless your heart too.

wave Hi Fay how are ya today?

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Doing pretty good. Finishing up a school assignment and this next week is spring break so I’m gonna be going to the beach and just playing WoW. It’s gonna be great! How are you doing?

Well, I mean, you have a chonkeh kitteh, and I think that should grant you entry into anything you want.


Omg swarf you need to post in the pet thread! Even if you don’t have pets that’s ok you can still go say hi and / ore talk about your favorite battle pet / wow pet related things :slight_smile:

I’m gonna look up new pets coming and post em over there.

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Oh wow, I didn’t realize there is one. :sweat_smile:

Commences to searching about…

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I know you didn’t make the post but that doesn’t mean whatever you were flagged for over there ( thought) wouldn’t be without consequence /shrug. I don’t remember what it was for.

There you go. :slight_smile:


You’re a gentle person and a scholar!

May the butt fuzz be ever fluffy throughout your days… :relieved:


haha thank you Swarf.

If I get anymore information about any of the new battle pets / pet tames I’ll put it over there.


Like I said, I’d love to see what post was flagged, since most of the time, there’s 100% nothing wrong with the post. It’s just people like you raging over an opinion you don’t like… not that I broke any forum rule.

But we all know how the Blizzard forum mods lean politically, so who knows?

I really don’t care either way. I rarely post here anymore.

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Alright I’m just gonna flat out and ask it. Why are you here?

Are you here just to troll this thread?

35 posts in this topic says that is a lie.

And if I remember right, you were bypassing the cursing function but I could be wrong on that. Again I don’t fully remember what it was. I just know you had a post flagged.

If you do not like this thread, leave. I’m not in the mood to go back and forth with stuff.

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It’s been up and down, where I am in Texas. Yesterday it was nearly 90 degrees. Today, it’s down in the sixties.

I’ve been debating on whether to do another chemical facial peel, before it gets too sunny out. If I do it this week, that means a bunch of store chore stuff tomorrow, so I don’t have to go out the rest of the week.

Bleh, venting, bleh.


Good grief.


Have fun and ignore that grumpy orc.


Ya it was in the 70s then now it’s in the 40s and it’s just all over the place.

At this point it’s trolling and I’m not dealing with it. Just ignore and move on.


Yes. He can find attention somewhere else. This topic is for pleasant vibes.


They always do this. Yesterday I was arguing in a thread with a guy who was whinging about /spit and /moan being removed. He also had to make it political. :roll_eyes:


lol I remember that thread that was… interesting.

I made my solitary point multiple times.

If you STILL have no idea, then talking to you is pointless, since you don’t pay attention.

Last night was my first day posting that much in a long while.

Check my post history, I don’t hide it.

lol so typing “****” is a reportable offense? That’s a joke if it is…wow.

I’ll post when I wish to, thank you very much.

You don’t decide when and where I can post.

And again, you commented to me, remember? I didn’t initiate this.

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It started out that way so not a surprise.
Anyways, Hope everyone is having a beautiful day. We have sunshine here but chilly.


It’s raining here for me. We’ve got floods and such going on again further north of me I think. I’m on the east coast of Australia.