Lack of tanks?

Oh, got’cha… yeah boring AF is an apt description :wink:

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I rolled warrior because of this. It’s boring AF but why not help out the server a bit.

Tanking is fun o.O but leveling a warrior in the open world is slow

I’d love to tank. I spent past 15 years healing. The problem is I know I need to learn. I always tell people I’m learning so it might be slow or I might make a mistake.
Followed Immediately with a comment by someone “Git Good before you try to tank” followed next by 1 or 2 leaving. This is before we set foot in the dungeon.
I know a few people who say the same…

That is really unfortunate. As a tank that also likes to play alts, I can guarantee you I’d have no problem with taking extra time to let someone familiarize themselves with tanking and pulling. As long as you genuinely are attempting to learn and are at least entertaining constructive feedback from the group, I’m game to stay.

Don’t let it dishearten you too much. The best thing you can do is try and meet friends questing who seem patient as well and transition that into a dungeon run.

The same jerks who left when you tried to learn are the same jerks who will ignore threat and/or pull the dungeon instead of you. They’ll never change. But if you can get yourself into a position where you can tank amongst a group of friends/guildies, you’ll enjoy yourself.

Don’t let the jerks kill it for you. :frowning:

I put together a low level Classic Warrior Tanking Guide that may be of interest to you. I’d love any feedback you would like to share.

One of the things about tanking that you’ll inevitably notice is that some groups are better than others. As you gain experience with your core tanking abilities, and keybinds, such that holding aggro becomes intuitive, you will be able to spend time to notice what each player is doing.

This can help you anticipate when you’ll need to use which skills, in order to prevent a potential wipe, but also to identify which players are doing what things that they could be doing better. In the beginning, it may seem like the common denominator is you, and it may well be, but if you give it time, and keep pushing through, you will get better, and there’s a great deal of satisfaction in leading a group as a tank.

Good luck and have fun!

you actually need 4 people ready go tank for raids for some fights.

but you are right, if raiding is your goal tanking is the hardest role to get.

Tough finding tanks on my server. Most aren’t even tanks just dps with 2handers and arms spec

Tanks are hard to find even in BfA, where threat and AOE is easy.

In Classic WoW, tanking is twice as hard. AoE and threat is hard to keep with people insisting on going all out on dps before you can even get the mobs to stick. Your taunt is melee range only, so mages whine when they pull and you have to chase them since none of them understand to BRING THE MOBS BACK TO THE TANK while other mobs are hitting you, trying not to expose your back.

Yeah, finding tanks in Classic is going to continue to suck unless dps learns to stop acting like children.

Thanks, I’ll read through it. Having played all the healing classes I do have a clue about what tanks do. I just need to learn to execute on the theory.
That and I’m used to coat tailing my tank and have no idea where I’m going in the dungeon!

All the tanks are staying with guilds. Nobody wants to babysit stupid. So glad they broke LFG Classic right guys?


Warriors who think they are going to tank will be disappointed.
It is ironic because raiding doesn’t require that much tanks until 4Horsemen.
1MT/OT, maybe 1-2 druids/fury warrs handling adds/mechanic.

The game doesn’t really want tanks if people want to play the highest level of content.
If you want to tank, do 33 Fury and 18 Prot.
Get the +threat skill from Prot, and the +Block for crushing.
Boom, you are 90% effective as the MT.

Now you can farm mobs, be either a DPS/Tank in 5M or 40M.

on a server where your name is remembered you rather not have your name besmirched early because some impatient pug is pissy you wanted them to hold of for aggro and LOS pulls.


Do who warrior for each race and level. You’ll quickly realize there are tons od warriors around. They just arent interested in pugging.

I’m prot and I’d love to tank your dungeon!

Yes, I’m a paladin. I’m actually qu-… Oh, okay then. No, no, it’s alright. I… I understand.

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at your level that is all thats needed. We dont spec into Prot till 60 really.

who the hell is using a voidwalker in a dungeon? If, for some reason, they are the thing can’t even hold aggro from the warlock themselves from using 1 corruption. This story seems suspect.

Oh you would be surprised…lol.

The last lock I partied with had his succy stuck on aggressive of all things. So after a pull, she would be running deeper into the dungeon grabbing up all that aggro!

Really rare though. I don’t see many locks out there to party with tbh.

Now does this all seem dumb? Sure! But I don’t think it’s any more ignorant that the dps who has 4 levels up on me showing off their epeen by failing to stay underneath the rage I generate. It’s like your brain got half way through learning the class and gave up. Where as the lock using a void walker in a dungeon with taunt on is just really new I guess? Or is too lazy to summon their imp since they were likely questing before the party formed.

I’ve so far only tanked when some members of my group were guildmates. Having a healer I can trust at my back, and at least one or two damage dealers who aren’t obnoxious makes it much less painful

Being a tank requires a willingness to not pursue “top DPS”, which is not for everyone, and a willingness to put up with some of the stupidest play out there.

I will also admit that when I see someone LF tank in chat, and their name is obnoxious, or the next things out of their mouth are cringeworthy, they’ll never know they lost this tank’s interest. (Or healer, for that matter.)

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Tanking is not easy when you’re undergeared. The difference between a mediocre tank and a good tank is night and day.