Lack of PvP on a PvP server

I agree with his sentiment though. When you post all I see is a low level male blood elf avatar and I just assume you’re retarded and skip over your posts lol


That’s common given how toxic, unstable, and emotionally driven most WoW-players are.

I’ve only been playing for two-weeks and so far I get troglodytes attempting to insult me based on character level.

Typical toxic, weak, gamer culture.

You’re very opinionated for someone who has only been playing for 2 weeks lol, also took me less than 2 weeks to get from 60-70… maybe stop posting on the forums and focus on leveling :slight_smile:


Uh huh, ok lol

“You’re very opinionated for someone who has only been playing for 2 weeks”

… On and off for 14 years actually.

Don’t act like you know me.

Sorry what lol

I didn’t say anything about what type of server it is. I am saying how it is. Sorry bud.

Wait, there is an elf posting here?

Try being horde, with 40 minute que times. Resilience comes at a premium. I have had to find more creative ways to get it, like get dungeon sets and socketed as much resilience as possible until I get actual pvp pieces. Or finding the few good resilience pieces that exists from dunngeons.

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He’s ashamed to post on his main character

Making an effort to normalize WPvP events on this server would help. Some community involvement adds much needed spice. Do us a favor and bump this thread, link it around in your discords, maybe advertise in game, etc.

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youll see me spamming lfg/trade when theres horde ganking in the open. did it all of last phase classic. trust me it happens eventually…, we out there, gotta keep trying when you’re the underdog

Don’t kid yourself, Wifetap.

Sure, the alliance may be less decentralized than the horde community however, it takes the alliance far too long to organize a competent defense.

By the time the alliance have arrived, the damage has already been done.

It’s kinda like calling nine-hundred-and-eleven and being given a thirty minute estimate for the police’s arrival amidst the committance of a violent crime.

I am zhe vreat and honorable vashen! Zhe alliance vill be met in zhe field off battle!

Zhe vlorious horde vill conquer all!


You’re not the underdog, Grob is majority Alliance

Yes but the horde are hordy all the time so it takes more alliance to satisfy they’re hordeness.

"I am zhe vreat and honorable vashen! Zhe alliance vill be met in zhe field off battle!

Zhe vlorious horde vill conquer all!


You’re no Dragrosh! And what are you doing hijacking Benedikt’s accent?

Go on, get outta hea.

You zon’t hav zhe slightest idea you are talking to. Vell? Do you!? I zhe vreat and honorable Vashen of zhe varriors of V A S H. I have been in many vattles against zhe alliance’s greatest foes. Vatch your self elf, zhe vreat and zhe honorable Vashen is not afraid to kill fellow horde, I have before.

Hrm, so you enjoy killing members of your own faction? You see, I’m a bit of a fan of it myself.

You still are like the love child of Dragrosh and Benedikt to me. Maybe Benedikt tried to clone Dragrosh from his DNA?.. If so, I wonder why said clone would thumb tack a cape on their back.

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meh, I’ve seen a pretty fair share of WPVP from both ends; I think part of the reason it might feel like this isn’t the case is due to there being 3 layers on the server. It creates inconsistent impressions.