Lack of Hunter Feedback Response SL

Hunter’s Mark - Since i’m not tester, the complaint is it is just NOT FUN. It feels like a chore to keep it up rather than anything else and most are concerned our damage will be normalized off of it being up.

Pet Rez - It is definitely a strategy now to kill pets and trust me it is disastrous now. Many times I gotta use my turtle to get it back up, and that’s really our only defensive CD on a 3 minute timer. Since i’m pretty much crippled when I don’t have it since I cannot gain focus as survival and well its the main thing that does damage as BM… Again I reference you to the above link to some very detailed discussion even Dillion (MVP like yourself) has chimed in against.

He details the impossibility of keeping pets alive and something needs to be done about this.

Disarms occur if i have a bow or a polearm or an axe… it covers all of our weapons

I agree with dual wield being mostly cosmetic, some would like it for the additional enchant. I know corruption is going away but the extra slot to corrupt was very nice for some classes.

Talents are an issue of not just tuning but truthfully gameplay Mongoose Bite as the example just is truthfully the better choice and talent. The way you play and stack damage outshines the other two choices tenfold.

As far as identity goes, it’s just really what do you want hunter to be? Hunter forums again are just riddled with the fight over MSV (melee survival, aka current survival) and RSV (Ranged Survival). It’s a hot topic.

I understand the logic of pets being one or the other, but it was open choice before, why take that away for a fantasy that currently is all over the place regardless? Why not let someone have a ferocity turtle? Again, more cosmetic, but I really liked my scorpion being a pet I could use masters call with myself.