Lack of feedback on Augmentation's spells/effects


I think Augmentation has room to give more satisfying feedback on spell presses/effects.

Ebon Might: This is your bread and butter, but besides the initial cast, there isn’t really anything after that. Sure there’s a very dim glow on you, but you can’t even see it. Holy paladin for example, makes it very obvious when you have a beacon on a target, and I think there is room for something similar when you have your core buff on a target.

Double-Time: I love this talent on the chronowarden tree. The problem is, there is 0 indication that you got a crit on either Ebon Might or Prescience. I did solve the issue for Ebon might at least, by grabbing a weakaura that plays a sound whenever you got a crit. It makes the talent way more satisfying knowing you got a crit. Same goes for Prescience.

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Augvoker needs to be nuked and rebuilt from the ashes of what it was. Right now its so bad, nothing short of bringing it back to its former glory can save it. I would rather see augvoker become a time-manipulation type dps at this point(think breath of eons but as an overall mechanic for their dps).


This is so out of topic to my thread… just why?