I think Augmentation has room to give more satisfying feedback on spell presses/effects.
Ebon Might: This is your bread and butter, but besides the initial cast, there isn’t really anything after that. Sure there’s a very dim glow on you, but you can’t even see it. Holy paladin for example, makes it very obvious when you have a beacon on a target, and I think there is room for something similar when you have your core buff on a target.
Double-Time: I love this talent on the chronowarden tree. The problem is, there is 0 indication that you got a crit on either Ebon Might or Prescience. I did solve the issue for Ebon might at least, by grabbing a weakaura that plays a sound whenever you got a crit. It makes the talent way more satisfying knowing you got a crit. Same goes for Prescience.