I really wish there was some developer responses to 9.1 and WoW in general. There is almost no feedback from the Dev’s about why they are making certain changes, or what direction they are hoping these changes take gameplay. Hell even progress updates would be appreciated. I really wish they would just give players some input on the feedback the PTR players are submitting.
It has become par for the course, that most of the information about WoW comes from Wowhead. Blizzard has done to their community feedback, what they do with the PTR. They allow people who pay to play the game, do a segment of their work for free essentially. WoWhead has pretty much taken the role of communication with the players. All we see from blizzard is patch notes. Which offer little to no explanation of the changes made. Just buff this, nerf this, changed the graphic icon on the spell to reflect what the spell does.
There just doesnt seem to be any excitement from Blizzard about WoW anymore. Even the interviews and the Blizzconline seemed stilted and forced. And with all the high level departures, which in a 15 year old game were inevitable, they seem to be reeling with what to do.
Here is an example of what, in my opinion, would help us players. Explain what the intentions are behind the Domination Gear Slots, and the Potential need to Re-Craft Legendary Items. Or is there something in the works, that allows us to simply re-forge them to a different slot?
I can say this, for me, I have crafter Several legendary items for my 3 mains. For different specs, and like shadow, for M+, Raid ect. If I have to regrind Torghast for each legendary I have already crafted, just to craft them for a non Domination Slot, I will not be playing any of these Mains till the catch up is there. Essentially I will be benching 3 of my toons, because I do not want to re-do all the work I already put into them.
Right now I have put a halt on my 6mo. It should run out 1 month into 9.1 if 9.1 releases soon. If it looks like All the legendary work I have done over the long 9.0 patch, essentially has to be re-done, I most likely wont renew. At best, I will level one of my LV50 for a new main, or play TBC if thats the case. At worst? Just not play wow till the last patch of the expac, or come back next expac.