Lack of balance killed PVP from day 1

Let this be a lesson to @blizzard

When you release an expansion with 2 or 3 over powering classes, you ruin the entire season. There is no reason you couldn’t have balanced rogues, druids and RET prior to launching.

Now we have random battlegrounds loaded with classes killing other players in a few seconds. We have a trade chat full of people selling carries. We have the most unbalanced season in the history of the game.

All because @Blizzard couldn’t be bothered to polish their game a little bit before going live.

It’s not like you @ Blizzard didn’t know. You were informed way before launch but what did you do. You figured you would balance it as the season went on.

Well now you know, launching a season of PVP without putting a little effort into each class is bad.

Just shame on you @Blizzard

Do you even play your own game ?


You are not wrong, the problem is money and you have to follow the money. Sometimes its not about them listening to us or you, its about employment issues and the stock market. They need to keep the investors happy, They need to keep the money rolling in and also promote major events like its spectacular even when its not. I have been playing since vanilla and I try not playing the 1st 1-2 seasons of each expansion because they are tend to be really bad, at least for me anyway. maybe in the patch it will fix some concerns. but if not by the 3rd season. I will stop playing and wait till a new expansion. Unless you have a lot of time on your hands or have a really good team in whatever you do and when I say good team I mean they know how to tune the class they play and also play it well in almost any situation. without this , you will almost fail or be unable to move forward.

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I mean this happens first season of literally every expansion. Every single one. I honestly don’t think the balance is that bad anymore.

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Druids don’t die ( all 3 specs and their damage is too high ).

Ret Pally needs damage nerfed . Their range attacks are frequently capable of 1 shotting ppl and thats too much for a melee class .

I think only these are the outliers now .


Only 1 that needs a nerf for druids is boomy and thats already being nerfed in 9.1

i agree with ret {they are getting massive buffs tho lul}

i would say there is def more on that list that needs nerf tho

Druids have always been very good in random BG’s. They’re a great 1v1 spec and boomy is always good in team fights. It’s part of the game being balanced around 3v3 though, they’re not that great if you sit on them. I don’t think they’re that bad or any worse than any other expansion.

I absolutely massacre pallies. Ground hoj (it’s amazing how many of them just press it as they get in range) and then proceed to murder them as they never get close.

Honestly don’t see any outliers right now. Almost everyone can do insane damage. Maybe more outliers on the weak side than anything. Saw an outlaw rogue one time. Was out damaged by our disc healer :pensive:

Being getting absolutely smashed by Final Verdict and I am really getting sick of it. Kite them you say , here eat dust . :sob:

Melee classes should not have too powerful range attacks … that too instant ones.

I dunno man… I haven’t too many issues with them. As ele I feel op honestly, haven’t really faced anything that felt super hard.

The only nerf I really want for ret pallies is a damage nerf while bubbled. You should be at full tilt if you bubble.

It’s just something which irritates me … giving a melee class a ranged ability which can one shot you makes no sense .

It’s like if primal strike gets buffed so much that I can just 1 shot the melee who has closed the gap to me with effort. :man_shrugging:t4:


Eh they’re pretty easy to kite in a 1v1 though. They kinda need it. The pony is a meme lol…

We continue to talk about ret and druids but in case you missed my other post, a rogue went through all my shields and killed me before I could move. Pallys are nothing to me. Boom kind are annoying and feral is crazy but rogues are still a problem.

A class that’s invisible is given the power to delete it’s enemies in a few seconds and if they can’t, they disappear and come back a few seconds later to finish you off.

Horrible class design.


I’ve enjoyed it.

You are naked, get some gear first and you’ll notice the difference.

Yes and no, its worse when WoW has had these moments of borrowed power elements that make even more op classes even more op.

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Or was it templates or the removal of a gear progression that made sense and worked fine or the removal of pvp sets or the lack of gem/enchant to create your own build or the…you see where I am going here.

Don’t listen to those who tell you ret, druid and rogues aren’t op. They are, we all know it. Some people like to post like they aren’t because they want you to think how good they are…
Anyone who plays any pvp knows how broken this game is for pvp.


Or made some classes viable? Ret had historically been pretty consistently bad for example… Borrowed powers don’t help for sure but the first season of every expac is completely busted. Mop for example was disgusting. Stamped hunters, taste of blood warriors and chaos wave demo warlocks.

It’s the nature of the first season. Stuff is alwsys broken and not tested enough. PvP especially as the red headed step child of our PvE overlord ion.

agree that these types of changes make for tougher balancing, melee with a ranged 1 shot if lucky rng

the pvp team is making all kinds of weird decisions these days

When was the last time BM hunters were good (mop), when was the last time demo locks were good(mop), really don’t give a damn about warriors but they are still in the same boat to a degree (mop was probably the last time arms was op cause gladiator warriors were op in WoD).

All the classes that have op at season 1 the past I don’t know 3 expansions are the same…I wonder why…oh yeah cause of the god damn borrowed power crap that is in the game. Do you know how many times Demo Locks were op in the history of WoW…like twice since 2004. You know how many times Rogues have been OP since 2004…like 5 times at minimum. DH’s have been out since Legion and they have been OP since Legion.

I remember the 2nd week of the season, I was still farming 197 honor gear and some players had 233 weapons. Just got worse from there. Not to mention the handful of classes/specs that could nuke you within a 2-5 second stun.


Dev team should drive a clown car.