Lab Access quest

In city of threads, not working great. Not many mobs around, and TONS of players flying around trying to complete this.


Main Story Line… No Mobs… Not 100% drop rate, what a poor design.


A hotfix would be nice, I don’t think the spawn rate should be so low that everyone is having to scavenge for them and the no 100% drop rate is just painful on top of the spawn rate.


This is abysmal.


this quest is a joke.

Quests like this, with a horrendous spawn rate for the mobs who then have a low drop rate for the item ON A CAMPAIGN QUEST is how Blizz goes to the suits at Microsoft and tells them about how great the playtime metrics are.

“Look at how long people are playing the game per day! Sure, it takes an hour to do one quest, but they’re still playing!”

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quest like this, makes me log out for a long time till the people have gone to bed so ill be up at 3am to do a quest awesome job blizz -100/10 on quest design! but hopefully they will see and fix it and claim it was bugged all along!

They’ll fix it and then go, “See - we listen!” when it never should have been like that in the first place.

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The new design for gating . . . .

How does poorly thought out, tuned and implemented stuff like this still happen 10 expansions later? It’s not like they have had 20 years of experience to let them avoid these pitfalls with quests or anything, and it’s ridiculous it’s been 5+ hours without a resolution.

I saw that Ion was bragging in an interview about how he has the team trained so well he can be away at an event in Germany for an expansion launch. I would say he clearly needs to do his job better.

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I am just going to leave and come back when theres a hotfix. The mobs not even being 100% is such a problem. I managed to find two, tag them, and get no quest item. I am not wasting my time with this lol.


I tried to do this one after giving up on the atrocious Ore Recovery quest. I thought I’d seen the worst quest in the expansion already but I think this tops it.
Who approves this stuff and lets it get into the game in this state?

The mobs have a 7 minute respawn timer, with an approximate 10% drop rate of the item. Not good