<La Muerte Roja> [H] 6/9N LF Ranged/Healer/OT for BoD Progression

<La Muerte Roja> is actively recruiting to fill its Heroic Battle for Dazar’alor raid roster. We are currently looking for a Holy Paladin, Balance Druid, Hunters, and Rogues. Our Raids run from 7 pm pst to 10 pm pst Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Other classes/specs are welcome as well!

<LMR> is open to non-raiders as well, so if a more casual setting is more your thing we got that as well! <LMR> boasts many individuals that that can help gear, run mythic+, pvp, warfronts, or even Island Expeditions!

Majority of our guild would fall into the middle aged bracket, with a maturity that realizes, real life happens and it will always come first, at the same time just immature enough to find all sorts of humorous situations.

For more information reach out to us in-game! You can contact [GM] Haress (swarmollamas#1380), or myself, at Brutongaster#1103

interested, i have three people looking for homes. all 120… DH, Priest and Shaman