Kyrian confusion

If ALL kyrians carry the dead (as evident by the uther cinematic where DEVOS a paragon carries uther) and the Kyrians are ALL former Mortals (maybe with the exception of the archon?) then why are they in Bastion doing the rebellion stuff? Isnt their whole existence just to follow the “path” etc and Carry the “Countless” deaths to the Arbiter and then carry them forwards. And if this is true, (which it is) they should have received the news of the Arbiter not being active anymore. But if that is true, Then all those that are carrying the Dead currently should either be Forsworn (I mean why else would they Keep the information from the other paragons and The archon)… Do you see where I am going?

Now you could say that Devos wasnt a paragon when she brought Uther there, but she is the one that trains her. etc.

I cant be the only one confused by this right? Or seeing the plot holes.
Keep in mind that the logic applies to ALL kyrian that are ascended or above. There is to my knowledge no hints that Devos is a new Paragon.
TL;DR; All Kyrians either are stupid, or they are forsworn.

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I’m not sure if the Paragons or the Archon didn’t know the Arbiter is offline. But for them, that’s irrelevant. Their Purpose is to bring the souls to the Aribter and leave it at that. If the Arbiter is offline or not is not their concern.

It’s not really a plot hole, because the game made the kyrians stance on this whole matter painfully clear. Follow the Purpose. Everything else will work itself out later. The only ones who would think this is a problem would be the Forsworn, as we see now in game.

But by your own admission, this is just another thread to call the kyrians stupid so…/shrug this thread I guess.


They dont call it out, and its not known if the Archon or the paragons know the Arbiter is offline, It is quite clear that noone knows about it outside of Oribos.

How would the forsworn think this as a problem though if they are associated with the maw?

They don’t call it out because it’s not that important to them. As stated before, their only job is to get souls to Oribos. After that, it’s not their concern.

It was only after we showed up and made things painfully clear that the Jailer was involved did they start to act. And even then they are still doing so within the bounds of their Purpose (i.e. still going to ferry souls).

I was pointing out the only ones who would have a problem with the Purpose are forsworn, not the souls going into the Maw. As stated previously, the souls going into the Maw, while disappointing and sad, is not their problem in their minds.

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The “purpose” is homever connected to the Arbiter in that “if something is treating you like crap it is so because it is the way the Arbiter laid it out because of the purpose” Purpose is basically that a purpose. Everything has a purpose.

Forsworn are more or less “Challenge the archon” or I want my memories back etc. or I serve the maw coz

They are also the ones that bring the souls to their different lands, not just to oribos and then leave.

The only time we saw a soul brought to a specific realm was Bastion, and that was for a soul destined to go to Bastion. If I’m wrong, please tell me any other time we saw a kyrian drop a soul off, wait, then take them to their afterlife.

In the cutscene where the Arbiter was sending souls off before getting Red Shot, I didn’t see millions of Kyrians flying around as well.

No of course you dont see kyrians Flying around there, But you also dont see kyrians dropping them off to her either

Just because it isnt there visually doesnt mean that it isnt there always. You dont see gazilion mawsworn in the maw intro cinematic either but that doesnt mean there are gazilion mawsworn either.

Same with the Denathrius cinematic, you dont see the player or the other venthyr guys there but that doesnt mean they are not there.

You dont see Gazilions of Kyrians above oribos, or that are flying to oribos but that doesnt mean they are there dropping souls of.

If the kyrians are going to just taxi people to Oribos there and then leave go get the next guy/gal then who brings the souls to another place? Outside of the Stoneborn and Faeries I doubt the Primus or any necrolord house would have the time to bring them to their specific realms.

Except we do. We actually get a quest where we bring a soul to Oribos, and then just leave as the soul goes into the Maw. There was no standing around waiting, it was dropped off a soul and then head out.

The only time we’ve seen something different was with Uther, and again as I pointed out; he was sent to Bastion.

Based on the cutscene, the Arbiter sends the souls to their afterlives. With a little wave of hands, souls head towards various portals and off they go.

There sure are alot of kyrians there flying above oribos.

Again just because it isnt there doesnt mean it isnt there. we dont see everything that is there

Just like we don’t see kyrians dropping souls off in every afterlife.

So by your own logic we’re arguing over something that may or may not be happening and neither of us can prove either way.

Alright then.

Just gonna check out of this thread now. Have fun with your…second or third(?) “kyrian are stupid” thread.

They don’t. Only Bearers have that task. There are also Acolytes who defend Bastion and Watchers, who witness the demise of mortals and dispatch the Bearers to claim souls that might be ready to enter the Shadowlands. I say might be because it’s the Bearers job to make that call before they usher the soul to the Arbiter, and sometimes souls get left on the mortal plane for one reason or another - not everyone gets taken.

Isnt their whole existence just to follow the “path”

You are confusing the path of ascension that the Aspirents undergo to become Ascended (stripping away memories and burying emotion) with the ‘Purpose’ (the system of death the Eternals preside over). The Forsworn reject the ‘path’, not the ‘Purpose’. It’s the Mawsworn who want to tear down the Purpose.

No, they only bring them before the Arbiter. There is a rocker of souls that emanates from Oribos - before the Arbiter was shut down the river was divided into five streams and channeled into each of the four prime afterlives and a mere trickle was shown leading to the maw. Afterwards we see the other four streams cease entirely and a massive deluge of souls spilling into the Maw. It’s clear that the Arbiter was the one who channeled this river of souls originally, and only she is capable of doing so otherwise there wouldn’t be the crisis in the shadowlands to begin with.

Helya is also taking Forsworn and drowning them in the river of souls until they break and become her Mawsworn, who are the Kyrian that work directly for the Jailer and are ushering souls into the Maw. Remember how the various leaders were kidnapped? Those were Mawsworn that took them, and Bastion had no idea that the Mawsworn even existed until our character arrives and tells them.


Thanks for clearing up my confusion, I believe the issue would be handled better if it was better presented in the game. I believe the info about the bearers come from that Shadowlands preview? Or quest text. As I must have missed it because of beta testing making me too burnt out on the initial leveling.

As for the mawsworn stuff I feel kinda confused, because if the mawsworn could do that, Then I dont see what was stopping them from having a subsect of kyrians that took normal non-dead souls and putting them into the maw or something like that I mean, to my knowledge there isnt much stopping that from happening? I dont see much in police force or something like that in bastion.

Anyways thanks :slight_smile: .

@Luminarium: I do apologize for appearing antagonistic. As I believe the dungeons running made me feel quite stressful, in between replies.

It’s in the first couple of quests when you very first reach Bastion. You get sent from statue to statue to learn about the different roles that Aspirents can ascend to in Kyrian society and the responsibilities and expectations that go with them. Bearers are among the most respected Kyrian since they travel all over and actually risk their existence going into hostile territory to claim souls. It’s implied that the number of Kyrian are dwindling because so many are lost this way - but really it’s likely because many were forced to become Mawsworn without Bastion’s knowledge.

That’s getting into how stringent and orderly Bastion is compared to the relative chaos of the Maw. It’s overly simplistic to say that the bad guys get to break the rules and the good guys don’t, but that’s more or less what it boils down to. The Shadowlands were ordered by the First Ones, and if they didn’t set up a way for Bastion to withhold souls from the Shadowlands without causing problems (probably for the mortal plane- it would be weird if everyone just suddenly kept living after they died) then it’s likely they would have a hard time coming up with a solution on their own.

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Thanks again.