Kyrian Campaign Quest "Pursuit of Justice" bugged

I killed the two guys that spawn, and then I was “pacified” and couldn’t do anything but abandon the quest. Xandria and Margrave Gharmal are still fighting, and I cannot attack. The minimap shows a “?” where I should be able to turn in the quest in front of me, but they’re still just melee’ing each other for eternity.

I abandoned, but was still pacified, so I relogged and was able to do the quest again. Same result.

I was only able to complete the quest by using my Dalaran Hearthstone and travelling back to Maldraxxus. Gharmal was dead and Xandria’s ready for me to turn in the quest… She either has stage fright or… tis a bug. :slight_smile:


You have to kill the adds while she fights Margrave

Idk if this is still an issue for you but, I had the same issue. Dropped the quest, same result, but the second time while the quest was " completed " and she was fighting, I just logged out and logged back in and she had killed him and I could turn in. Hope this helps!

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When the fight started, I engaged the adds, and they bugged out, half evading my attacks and walking towards the southernmost corner. After continuously attacking through 50% evading, I finally managed to kill 2 adds and completed the quest on the 4th try. Abandoning the quest didn’t help. Logging off/on didn’t help. Shutting off all add-ons didn’t help. I’m just thankful I was able to complete it, but man that was painful.


I must be dumb or doing something wrong because Destructor Guttersledge continually one shots me. I have tried kiting, fearing, standing behind him and nothing helps… Dropped quest and came back and same thing one shot death. Any suggestions???

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Same as Damman. On pull of the adds, automatically goes into evade and walks slowly towards sw corner. Cant kill in time before resets health because like
80% evaded hits. No suggestions above work.

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Worked fine when I tried again after couple days.

I too am finding this quest impossible to accomplish

what is the recommended item level to solo this quest. i killed the first guy but got killed by the second one. think i am trying to do too much. have not been playing wow that long.

This is my issue too. I tried logging out and back in and nothing. Dropped the quest and retired. Nothing. Tried logging out and back in again and got nothing still. I have submitted a ticket and all they have told me so far is to refer to WoW head and turn off add-ons. I don’t have any add-ons even installed right now. If anyone has any ideas, I am open to trying them at this point.

Similar issue: I killed the two adds and the scenario reset. I repeated and it reset again. I abandoned the quest, redid it and it resolved the issue for me.

It has to do with the phasing. Alexandro does not enter the phase with you nor is he anywhere to be found. I cannot progress. I am honestly astonished this has not been fixed yet.

Still bugged, can’t complete quest :frowning:

This quest is incredibly frustrating. No Alexandros makes it near impossible for my rogue to finish.

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I don’t know if Mograine is supposed to come tank or what, but this is impossible. I’m geared higher than what the quests are rewarding already. I don’t know if it meant to be this difficult, but it’s an impassable wall. This is the kind of thing that just makes me want to cancel my subscription and stop playing. I’m iLvl 178, is the intention for me to need to be deep into mythics and raids before I’m supposed to beat this? What’s going on here? I’m getting shredded as subtlety and assassination rogue. The only thing that makes sense is Mograine supposed to be tanking, because it’s 3 or 4 hits and I’m dead. The staggering difference in difficulty between the quests leading up to this one, and then this one itself, just feels like something is wrong. I’m probably just gonna get bored and quit playing again over it.

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Many people are having issues with this quest. Morgraine, according to what I’ve read, is supposed to come tank. But even those that finish off the two mini bosses without him, still find the quest doesn’t complete.

All conceivable avenues have been taken by many players and there’s no change. I’m not going to quit playing over it, but may change covenants soon.