What are Drust features and why would Kul’tirans have them?
Like for Druids for example. Having bits of Drust Hand, Drust Face, kind of like Night Elves with Malfurian Bird Man Options with Wings, Feet, and Horns.
You mean like the wicker bits and bobs on the Drust wickermen?
Yea the Drust Wickerman.
Ah I gotcha.
I’m rather excited, truth be told, about what us Kul’tirans will get during the AR customization pass.
Any of the things you suggested I’d be right glad to see.
For Kul’tiras!
I’d love to see scars and tattoos for kul’tirans.
And yes. I love how they are so tall, have massive muscles but also massive bellies. Oh no, I must be nasty for enjoying things.
Plus it’s nice to have a human who doesn’t feel downright short!
I love my KT women .
Imagine being this insecure.
Imagine ignoring the fact that heart disease is the number one cause of death.
Is that how you died, death knight?
Unlikely. He’s pretty shredded. I’d guess he stayed on top of his cardio lol.
Hmm. Don’t rightly think I could…
Look at me, I’m beautiful.
Indeed you are. Love the simple mog and addition of a monocle. Kul Tiran look great in little to no armor.
Aye sometimes less is more. almost all of my leveling I spent in some basic sailor type clothes. Was an amazing mog. Might even go back to it soon.
We’re a simple folk is all.
I love Kul Tiran so much, I have been endless tormented switching so many of my characters over to one…
When I made my Kul Tiran, I tried to give him a transmog that makes him look like a ship captain swashbuckler type as best as I could:
I’m fairly happy with what I came up with, since I’m not usually the greatest at transmog designing. I even gave him the dreadwake flying mount, too.
Imagine being this insecure.
Now that there is a proper sailor pirate!
I especially like the sabers. Always been partial to em. The addition of the dreadwake mount is always a nice touch.