Only the tidesages would know with any certainty but shipmate, given the art style they’ve chosen I believe the tidemother is the mother of all Krakens. Ancient and antidiluvian, alien and unknowable. Not evil but merely a force of nature as capricious as the sea herself.
Not a bad tune my friend!
Aye, This is the one I tend to like too. Several references suggest she might be while most of the other options only have one point of proof for them.
I hope Blizzard sees fit to show us more about the Tidemother in the future.
Is a shaman Kul Tiran fun?
Posting here because the thread needs more female KTs, they do have some of the best heritage armor. It’s funny, I now have two arms warriors at 120, A female gnome and this KT. Complete opposites in size, but still have the same trouble in finding good transmogs.
I’m almost there
I still wish that skinnier versions were a thing.
I would love to see Blizzard open up all of the Allied Races in the pre-patch. I want a Kul Tiran and plan to make one when it opens up to all.
Throw in the skinny Kultiran model GGs
omg you exist! You go!
Coming here with my kultiran char once to show my support mates.
Also to show my tmog, that while simple i’m quite proud of (shame i’ll have to replace fu zan due to RP reasons).
Thats me getting out of my car!
I agree full heartedly.
I rather like what you’ve got there.
All in our own time. You’re doing great work!
I can’t wait to see your Kul’tiran when SLs drops.
An amazing mog my friend!
Tell me about this RP of yours…?
I’ve not had much time with it yet but I like it so far.
This is my first Resto shaman too and its working rather nicely for a girl from Stormsong Valley.
Nice mog! Glad ya shared. I was actually checking it out before reading your post, so you definitely should be proud of it. The red headband makes it pop. I’d give ya a like, but sadly I’m out.
There’s always tomorrow my Dwarven friend.
To everyone here, what would you name your own ship if you had one?
I think I’d name mine after me mum. Gloria.
My Kul Tirans friend goal was to lose 10 pounds
Only 20 more to go…
A Kul tiran talks to a nutritionist…
The nutritionist says that they should only eat 1200 calories a day…
And the Kul Tiran response was okay how many at night
Ha! Not bad my friend not bad.
Thanks for the response! It reminded me to go back and like.
I had a dwarf D&D character with that as his clan name and they made ships. He was a warrior but when I created him in WoW he became a shaman, since I already had a dwarf warrior.
Now that there is a proper ship name!
My D&D Dwarf always ends up with the last name McDigger. Long story short I had one once who was a diplomat who had a sexual attraction to people in places of power. He was a Rogue with some levels in Noble (NPC class) and got into some of the most epic shenanigans I’ve ever been involved in in D&D.
Since then I’ve always had my dwarves be related to him.
You excited for the customization you guys are getting come SLs?