<Kul Tiras Tenth Fleet> Old forum thread. Plz don't post in

The Kul Tiran Tenth Fleet welcomes all who honor the sea!

The Kul Tiran Tenth Fleet is Proudmoore to represent the Admiralty of Kul Tiras both at home, and overseas! Enlist today and serve the world’s greatest navy!

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A bump for these fine sailors! You’ll never find a more lovely crew of secret naga worshippers.




Hey Lade! I don’t know if you remember me, but I was active in the Kul Tiras Marine Corps and the Fifth Fleet. Recently left because it seemed to be dead, and I just resubbed, but if you guys are still kicking with a new fleet I’m interested!

'Course I remember you, Yanis! Be happy to have you! Hit up any member online and we’ll get an interview set up for you.

I cannot even begin to describe how awesome this guild is! It’s been a source of enjoyment and the members feel like family, not just someone you talk to on a computer. Give it a shot!

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I joined this guild and was delighted to find that they accept Elves. Yet, if you are bald, they will make fun of you. Aside from that, it’s a very well-run and fun place to be!


Kul Tiras honors your service to the Alliance.

Come join us on some high seas adventures! All this and more on the next episode of DRAGON BALL Z!!!

Casting my lot to join with you. Malkanu just submitted a request online. I’m starting over completely. Old guild died and have been wondering for years since Legion. Would love to try something new and exciting.

I saw your request, Malkanu. I added you to try and keep an eye out for you when online. We’ll try and get you an interview :sunglasses:

Heya! :blush: Love the idea of the guild!! My Sin’dorei turned Ren’dorei defected from the Horde and found solace within the Alliance. She never fully completed her Void corruption transition through her trainings due to her body rejecting it, so she fled the Rift and found a life at sea.

Working as a deckhand aboard a trading vessel known as Happy Heron, she would make several stops between Kul-Tiras, Northrend, Pandaria, and return to the mainland of the Eastern Kingdoms as home. After several months, the Happy Heron was attacked by vagabonds and pirates and she was taken captive but permitted to live. Now…she roams Stormwind for work. At least…until she hears of the Kul-Tiras Tenth Fleet needing sailors.

Well, we’ll have to see about getting you an interview, Jadana :slight_smile: Look up any of our Tenth Fleet members online and they can direct you to an Officer.


The Tenth Fleet continues to recruit! Soldiers, Sailors, Mages, Sages, Shipwrights, Scouts, Medics, Engineers, Helmsmen, Crewmen, Navigators and Captains, all will find a home here with us!

Also, we teach new, willing initiate Tidesages the ways of the Tidemother! Check us out today!

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The Tenth Fleet continues to recruit! Come begin your character’s next amazing adventure! Veteran or new recruit!

The Tenth Fleet is full of rp, combat related as well as puzzles and social rp! Come see our Tidesage rp, it’s the best there is. Hope to see you soon!

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Come all you bold seamen, wherever you’re bound! This guild will give you an authentic Kul’tiran RP experience. They’re an all inclusive guild (within reason) which means even elves, draenei, dwarves, and more are welcome. Themed around the Kul’tiras people and their land this guild provides active officers and moderators as well as events that are easy to learn and easy to jump in. Featuring a custom combat system that is streamlined and thoroughly tested for balancing and fairness, it even includes a PVP format for RP disputes! In the end this guild will provide you with a welcoming experience. 10/10

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Great guild all around!

<3 your mage bros in Dalaran.

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Urge to Sea Shanty RISES.