⚓ Kul Tiras Marines Field Manual, Chapter XII: Beastiary

VII. Murlocs

aka "fish faced f***s

With the body and head of a fish, arms and legs of a starving Orc child, intellect of a prematurely born ogre and the irritability of a dwarf who’s had all his ale stolen, Murlocs are a race of fish-people who plague coastal settlements the world over. Usually armed with spears, they are not much of a threat to a well armed military unit, but can wreak havoc on a peaceful civilian population.

Physical Attributes:
Murlocs are ugly little pieces of amphibian sh** with large fish-like eyes, long skinny little arms & legs, and large mouths filled with razor-sharp teeth. Long floppy fins and tendrils usually trail along their spine, and their feet and hands are webbed to permit swift underwater movement. They are excellent swimmers due to their similarity to a fish, and should be avoided in deep ocean waters.

Behavioral Traits:
Murlocs are rage-driven little rats, and typically attack anything that moves without any provocation. They are largely incapable of communicating with more advanced races, though they do appear to communicate with eachother using a series of mubmling and murgling noises. They frighten just as easily as they anger, and it is usually best to simply wipe them out as they have very short memories and will undoubtedly return to whatever ruined settlement is destroyed if not all of them are wiped out.

Murlocs are easily disposed of and are not a significant threat to an armed force, they are deathly afraid of fire and are easily tricked by even the most simple diversions.

Murlocs are just a step above from a bilge rat on the evolutionary chain. Dispose of them and use their guts and chopped pieces as bait. In a pinch, they can also be salted and fried to feed a company of Marines.