⚓ Kul Tiras Marines Field Manual, Chapter XII: Beastiary

V. Trolls

aka “Spear-Chucking Savages”, “Tusk-Faced F***s”

Trolls are a plague of superstitious savages found throughout Azeroth, where they partake in the practices of live sacrifices, animal worship, voodoo magic, slavery and cannibalism. Like the Tauren, there are different types of these brutal animals depending on the region from which they hail, we will cover only the larger groups here:

Zandalari Trolls: Zandalar
Forest (Amani) Trolls: Hinterlands, Quel’thalas
Ice (Frostmane & Drakkari) Trolls: Khaz Modan
Jungle (Gurabashi) Trolls: Stranglethorn Vale
Island (Darkspear) Trolls: Echo Isles
Desert (Sandfury) Trolls: Tanaris
Blood (Hakkari) Trolls: Nazmir, Swamp of Sorrows

We will cover each one briefly but their differences aren’t too important. Trolls are trolls. You’ve seen one troll - you’ve seen them all.

Physical Attributes:
Very tall, with casters and most warriors caste resembling particularly ugly Night Elves with long tusks and dirty, unkempt manes of curly thick hair. Trolls have a particularly foul body odor, emanating a distinctly pungent stink that is offensive to the senses. Able to regenerate body parts when they have been severed - except for the head. Tribe-specific traits are as follows:

Zandalari: blue and green skin, upright posture, most closely resemble Night Elves.
Forest (Amani): Green skin, red hair, terrible body odor.
Ice (Frostmane & Drakkari): Blue or pale skin, blue or white hair, terrible body odor.
Jungle (Gurabashi): Blue skin, reddish hair, by far the most foul smelling.
Island (Darkspear): Blue skin, reddish hair, hunchback posture, emaciated physique.
Desert (Sandfury): Pale skin, usually covered in blood and stinking of death and rot.

Behavioral Traits:
Unbridled bloodlust has fractured the troll empire of ages past, they have waged war against each other for eons over disputes of which one has the more powerful animal god. Habitual losers and accustomed to getting wiped out by all their enemies, the trolls fight with a thoughtless desperation and absence of strategic or tactical insight that ensures their continued subjugation by other species throughout the world.

Highly superstitious nature makes the Trolls easily fooled by simple parlor tricks and illusions. The ease to which they can be provoked into a trap makes them easy targets, and their inability to foresee shifts in the tide of battle before it’s too late makes them useless as military leaders. Highly susceptible to enhanced interrogation techniques thanks to their ability to regenerate body parts. A particularly effective method is to cut off parts and force feed them to the prisoner in a stew of their own urine and droppings - neither of which will kill the troll through disease but will inflict significant mental anguish and crush their spirit.

Kul Tiras has a long history of decimating the troll population of every battlefield we have ever encountered them. Eliminate with extreme prejudice and always be sure to cut off their head, else they may regenerate.