⚓ Kul Tiras Marines Field Manual, Chapter XII: Beastiary

IV. Tauren

aka “Chow”, “Cattle”, “Beef”

Tauren are a native species to the plains of Mulgore and the Barrens in Kalimdor, with some slightly different variations in Northrend and the Broken Isles. Tauren are bipedal, humanoid variations of various herbivorous species of prey animals throughout Azeroth, specifically cattle (Kalimdor tauren), bison (Northrend tauren) and moose (Broken Isles tauren).

Physical Attributes:
Very lean, meaty and massively tall with thick hide and bones make Tauren formidable warriors and are often exploited by the Orcs as meat shields. Tauren have horns which vary in type depending on the continent from which a particular Tauren type is from. Most Tauren encountered by the Kul Tiras Marines will be of the Cow or Moose variety. The horns and bones of Tauren make excellent sealant paste when ground up and mixed together with Ogre or whale fat for use in ship building.

Behavioral Traits:
Herd mentality make them easily controlled and manipulated by their Orc masters. Dull intellect, but generally peaceful unless provoked or directed to attack by their Orc masters.

A very high pain tolerance makes various interrogation techniques less effective. Fortunately, due to their inability to function at a high cognitive level, Tauren are rarely entrusted with any useful intelligence so this is typically not a problem. When frightened, Tauren tend to move as a group of cattle and revert back to their bovine roots. Fire or the presence of a predatory animal can make Tauren very nervous.

Tauren make for excellent stew when out in the field or as a beast of burden to carry supplies such as the salted tauren meats. They are fairly difficult to take down though - proceed with caution and be ready for a fight! Preferred method of disposal is decapitation so as to not ruin any perfectly good meat.