III. Ogres
aka “Fat F***s”
Ogres, like their Orcs cousins, are an invasive, parasitic species from the World of Draenor. Prior to the opening of the Dark Portal at the onset of the First War, they assisted the Orcs during their campaign of genocide against the other inhabitants of that world, and were the main practitioners of Fel magic during their invasion of Azeroth.
Physical Attributes:
Very fat, moderately muscular with extremely thick bone structure, tusks and sharp-toothed grin with a characteristic steady drool, cranial size very small compared to overall size. Often have two heads with a tendency to quarrel with each other. Gelatinous blubbery fat and thick bones and tusks make for excellent sealant paste when ground up and mixed together for use in ship building.
Behavioral Traits:
Unbridled bloodlust, propensity for violence, short temper, dull intellect, poor speech, fascination with spikes and sharp, shinny objects, cruelty, disdain for gestures of mercy. A perfect match for their greenskin friends. Tend to live in filthy caves or holes in the ground where they hang the rotting corpses of their kills as food.
It is particularly easy to manipulate one of the heads against the other when dealing with a two-headed ogre. Easily swayed with the promise of power, glory or the opportunity to commit murderous acts, inability to solve complex problems through the use of logic and intelligence, reliance on brute strength alone, short temper easily exploited, easily baited into a trap with minor provocation.
The only place Ogres have in this world is locked up in a zoo for observation and experimentation as a case study in evolution gone wrong. Dual decapitation is the preferred method for disposal as their physical resilience allows them to recover from injuries that would be fatal to most other species - and decapitating only one of the heads allows the second one to continue fighting. The only good ogre is a dead ogre!