⚓ Kul Tiras Marines Field Manual, Chapter XII: Beastiary

II. Orcs

aka “Greenskins”, “Greenbacks”, “Blackbloods”, “Zugzugs”

By far the most vile of all the Horde species, Orcs are an invasive, parasitic species from the World of Draenor. Prior to the opening of the Dark Portal at the onset of the First War, the Orcs conducted a campaign of bloodthirsty genocide against the natives of their home world. Having killed off most of the native life, the monstrous Orcs turned on one-another, several clans being destroyed before they were subjugated by sheer brute force of the more powerful clans and their leaders - eventually coalescing into the vile Orcish Horde that invaded Azeroth with the opening of the Dark Portal.

The stories and memories from those who survived the atrocities carried out by the Orcs have left a dark mark on the history of our world. The scars in the hearts and minds of the survivors can only be healed by the utter extermination of the Orc species, and the complete destruction of their culture of savagery, brutality and malice.

Physical Attributes:
Hugely muscular, thick bone structure, green skin (sometimes brown or ashen in tone), pronounced brow, sunken soul-less eyes, pointed ears, tusks and sharp-toothed grin with a characteristic steady drool, cranial size relatively small compared to overall size. The green skin is a result of demonic corruption from the Burning Legion - as if the cultural glorification of murder and genocide weren’t already enough.

Behavioral Traits:
Unbridled bloodlust, malicious, violent, short temper, dull intellect, poor speech, fascination with spikes and sharp, shinny objects, cruelty, disdain for gestures of mercy.

Easily swayed with the promise of power, glory or the opportunity to commit murderous acts. Crippling inability to solve complex problems through the use of logic and intelligence. Over-reliance on brute strength to the exclusion of other effective means for solving problems. Short temper easily exploited, Orcs are easily baited into a trap with even the most minor provocation.

Orcs are a stain on this world that must be erased with extreme prejudice. Decapitation is the preferred method for accomplishing this as their physical resilience allows them to recover from injuries that would be fatal to most other species. A popular term among Orcs is “Lok’tar Ogar!” which means “Victory or Death”. Give them what they deserve - the only good greenskin is a dead greenskin!

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