Kul Tiras Alliance Reconnections

Holy Hell man, This is Eprite, how ya been?!

Well of course, Hey syk =)

@vx That maex video was one of my favorite nights of our entire run of Mal, god the memories!

Just talked with axl today =), he mentioned you guys were together again. /wave

What server you guys playing on in classic?

This is Screws,
Gnome tank

John! Holy crap! It’s good to see you’re still around. Are you gonna come play classic?

Hey! I used to main a Druid, named Lightshadow. Trying to get in touch with some of the people I used to play with! I have a couple and we have a discord server we’re adding everyone to. :smiley: discord.gg/BzkPsJk

I used to play with Sheyanne, Diazkid & Damsta, can’t remember everyone’s names though.

My character was barilyna, a human female holy priest lvl 60. was in Legacy

Still my main
Guild: ISC

In vanilla days I ran as Alumirun in Hand of the Valar. Tenchu was the GM as I recall. But I didn’t really raid in that time…

Sideous was a boomkin. Dunno what he was doing in Vanilla but in BC he was the GM of Prodigy. Cool dude.

Kidox, Human Warlock

Knights of the dawn mostly and a few others.

Played with Stromshadow, Backstaber, Gaid, Grab, Haplo, Ikt, Nerian, Whilthol, Painkillers, Creaturez, Artis, and a few others I can’t remember. Probably roll Alliance on PvE oceanic “Remulos” with Backstaber!

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Hey man, I can remember doing arenas with you(on my rogue I think. Illusion) Nice to see you’re still around!

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Massive nostalgia smile here! They were much simpler times :slight_smile:

I can’t believe I can remember all this stuff from 13 years ago! I wanted to record more but I was running out of hard disk space (Looking at the files now I don’t quite understand how a 2 minute 840 × 524 video can take up 1gb) and I recorded the first boss we did but Haplo was telling me that my computer was playing music over vent while I recorded so I had to stop.

I’ve still got some videos on my hard drive most are just us standing around talking, but I’ve uploaded KOTD vs the first boss of MC:

It’s of course embarrassing that I’m clicking and have no idea what I’m doing (I put more effort into my UI than my class :/) but huge credit to @Kynessa / Letera for the heals :smiley:

And have fun everyone, this is gonna be great :slight_smile:


Hi Ikt!

I’m glad I now know who to credit (I added credit in my post). I’ve been porting that video from one computer to the next for years. I’d long since forgotten where it came from.

The nameplates in that video you posted above are a lot clearer than the one I posted. Saw a lot of familiar names I’d forgotten about. Good times!


Hi Kidox!


Hey Ullieth. Is there a discord server (or plans for one) for KOTD people?

I haven’t done anything to make that happen. Perhaps someone else will.

On another note, I’m in the midst of a physical injury (can’t use my right arm) that will keep me from playing for at least several days.

If any KotD’s end up in a guild together, let me know. :slight_smile:

Sorry to hear about your arm. Hope you have a speedy recovery my friend.

hey i remember you

who was your raid leader that was speaking? the voice sounds sooo familiar