Kul Tiras Alliance Reconnections

This is an old Knights of the Dawn player. I’m 60 now and not as opinionated as I once was.

The only reason I would play classic is to bring back that old sense of community and friendship the game fostered back then.

Thanks for giving me a heads up Marvale!


I’m Adius, I used to play world of warcraft as a human paladin named Adius on the Kul Tiras (USA) (PVE) server. I still do, but I used to too.

I’ll be playing on Herod.

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Hey man. It’s morg I can’t believe anyone would remember me. Marvale gave me a heads up or I hadn’t planned on playing classic, let’s see what we can kick off.

What was the Aussie’s name that started and ran KOTD? All I can remember is him saying I’m not an orange so the name was something like that.


Hi Morgueant!

Knights of the Dawn was founded by Citrix. His wife was Arrowrain.


There he is, still one of the best names in wow.

Man, you know I’ll be on there. Deciding what I want to roll though, thinking of changing it up from a night elf druid, maybe going mage

-Bornagain, Night Elf, Druid
-KotD (Knights of the Dawn)
Looking to get back in touch with my old guildies and crush some Ragnaros. Looks like some people in our old guild are rolling toons on Pagle and I created one as a placeholder with my old name, but might end up switching to Mage or something else

Looks like we are rolling on Pagle :slight_smile:


Played vanilla back in the day, was a NE Rogue called Backstaber, was in the guild Knights of the Dawn and have great great memories from back in those days!
Will most likely be playing on the Oceanic server Remulos with the name Backstaber again!

Are they still married? Or was their drama at the end when she left and started her own guild and made some claims about the GM or am I thinking of another classic guild I was in? (There was a few with drama lol)

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Hi Adius. I’m a formerly a warrior named Kaitos. I as well played/play in the game World of Warcraft from Kul Tiras PVE. I’m looking to be friends and play together. Please get on Facebook so I can message you on there! I’ve been talking to phlashes too! I’m ready dude!!!
Intimidating flout, DoTA. LUL!

ADIUS! we’re playing on herod horde, how about you

Citrix and Arrowrain transferred to an oceanic server, after which I personally never heard from them again. However, KotD had several Australian members, some of whom knew Citrix and Arrow in real life, so maybe one of them will see this thread and can give us an update.

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Glancing shoe?

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IDK why it changed my character ; ;

Bornagain! Good to see you.

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OMG Antihero! That’s a name from the past. I remember your grind to Grand Marshal.

Character Name: Jhango
Race: Dwarf
Class: Hunter
Level: 60
Guild: Broken Empire and briefly with Uther’s Champions.

Seeing a lot of familiar names on here and really brings me back. Good times!

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Add me on blizz I don’t really use Facespace Adius#1266
discord Adius#3817

I will be your friend but only if you had t4 helm back in the day.

I really wanted to play horde UD mage but decided I wanted to play a pally more.

“The Departed” rings a bell. Was that run by Sideous (sp), a boomkin, by chance?