Kul tiran transmogs!

Aso someone who farming for his heritage armor, I’d like to see the mogs you guys have come up With!

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Here is one of them

This is me. Behold!


Wtf??? Look at your profile picture… :scream:
What happened with your head?..

You mean the engineering goggles? pretty neat eh?

The size of your head… ‘-’

Looks good.

Do you want to see people in the heritage armor or just KT mogs?

Well, here’s mine anyways.


Best one I saw was a guy that looked like Mario. He had blue overalls and a red undershirt and hat.

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Here is mine so far :grimacing:


Here is my Kul’tirian (Which I just got the last 4 rep I needed about 2 hrs ago XD)



Ill be going Heritage with Outlaw Mage Tower sabers

She’s only level 22 so options are limited but I like this transmog set.

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Here’s mine:

Yeah, I don’t have the rep yet. Though I’m thinking about making a hunter that’ll be named “Romswamson.”

This is just my leveling mog until I get to the level I can wear what I want.

BTW can we get rid of restrictions on transmog already? Is there really a reason to level or rep gate if you’ve already collected an appearance?


Mine is boring at such a low level. Was hoping to find the regular straw hat that looks good for monks, but noticed if and when I find it, it seems to sit a little high on the head, and as usual the hair style vanishes, so it just looks weird. I guess I’ll have to wait at least until I get to Pandaria to find some proper monk gear I can transmog into.


This is where I would post my Kul’Tiran character’s Tmog…


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I swear just about every lower level leather wearing KT I’ve seen is sporting that same top and pants. Including my druid (I gave her a shirt, tho, to be “different” from my husband) and my husband’s druid & rogue. Made me realize just how… bleh… My transmog game is at low levels for leather (well, just about all except for cloth). I even turned on Mogit to see what else was out there.

Looking at Kul Tiran in their mogs makes me REALLY want to play one. They fit the look of almost all the human characters I played in D&D.

I kinda like this mog, too bad yo’ll never see me in human form most of the time since I’m a Druid. :joy:

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