Kul Tiran Transmog Ideas

Patch day is soon upon us & I’d love to see you’re planned transmogs for your mained Kul’Tiran!

Here’s mine:


I hadn’t thought about this yet even though I LOVE transmog. Thank you for the inspiration and I love his look! Fabulous


I’ve linked the one I plan to use so much but I never get tired of it


I love it bro, that looks tanks asf. Very nice!

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I will find the skimpiest mog I can find for my Kultiran female and I shall name her Bertha.

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Big Bertha :joy:

I’m at a loss for a Male kultiran druid any ideas? Ones that are cheap or decent price?

The tier 15 and 18 druid sets kinda have a dead tree/wicker/ drust vibe to it. Perhaps you can do something with that.

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I already have Kirstiealley reserved for a mage - I think Kirstie Alley is actually more of a warlock IRL, but mage will have to do.