Kul Tiran Shaman?

So what exactly are these guys? Tidesages seem to be a weird mix of Frost Mages, Shaman and possibly priests. So what exactly would a Shaman be in Kul Tiran society??

Dorian Atwater has no clue what a shaman is when you ask her if she’s one, but she clearly is as evidenced by her use of elementals. She used her talents for ship building.

Kul Tirans don’t seem to have a “role” for shaman in society, they just happen to be people with an affinity to the elements. They can be tidesages, they can be whatever they want. Because the traditional role of shaman doesn’t have as much importance in Kul Tiran culture as it does in most other cultures with shamans (like most Horde cultures minus the goblins), they’re not tied to a specific role in society.


To better understand why you are having this issue, you need to realise that “shaman” is just used for our sake - the player. In the same way that Vol’jin is a shadow hunter, Nathanos is a dark ranger, etc., there are going to be in-universe “classes” that are not playable. A tidesage is one of those things.

To better answer your question - in terms of conventional “classes”, a tidesage is a mixture of a mage, priest and a shaman. They are religious (priest), they use lighting, wind and water magic (shaman) and arcane (mage). One could say that, in canon, if you the player is a shaman or priest (they explicitly have mages, and the “mage” aspect is far less than the priest/shaman), they can be considered tidesages. A player KT shaman would canonically be elemental or resto, priest would be holy or disc (can potentially argue that the arcane [or void?] is the equivalent of a ‘normal’ priest’s shadow aspect of disc), and if you chose to represent your mage as a tidesage, they would be frost or arcane.

Consider, also, other race/class combos. Lightforged draenei priests will only be holy, a void elf priest would only really be shadow, etc., but they are able to have the other specs for obvious reasons.

Basically, if you are gifted with elemental prowess, it’s because you are a budding tidesage, not a shaman.