There have been chubby humans in the game since vanilla, but you didn’t fight for equality for the chubby gamers 14 years ago, now did you? There’s been chubby goblins since cata, but you didn’t fight for equality for chubby gamers back then either, did you? Where were you when they thinned down a literal cow race and gave the females an hourglass figure?
This is the first time that chubby gamers have a character that even remotely resembles them, and even then, they aren’t chubby. They’re musclemen. But they -LOOK- like chubby players. Much more than any other race in the game, other than Pandaren, and shockingly, playing as a character covered in fur is not appealing to everyone.
And yet you want to to take the appeal of having that one special thing away from the chubby gamers and give it to yourself as well, when you have literally every other race in the game to choose from.
You want a skinny human? Roll a skinny human.
You want a skinny human druid or shaman? Ask Blizzard to add Druid and Shaman to the Stormwind Human, so you can RP as a skinny Kul’Tiran Human Shaman or Druid, but with SW Human Racials.
But do not ask for them to take away the one good thing chubby gamers have going for them, when they’ve never once asked that you have something taken from you and be given to them.
On top of this, this would not fly entirely because of PvP.
There’s no way an opposing player, on the fly, could look at you and know immediately if you could break out of a stun they through at you with Every Man For Himself, or if they should prepare to break out of a stun themselves because you’re about to throw a Haymaker at them.