⚓ Kul Tiran PC is inconsistent with Kul Tirans in lore

What lore
All you have is one line you seem unable to properly read. Why would the Thornspeaker dude refer to the Thornspeakers as “we” and later on “their”.

They’re thornspeakers, ergo druids.

I still expect Vrykul to be added later.
Likely as a counterpart to horde ogres.
Their skeleton needs work though. Missing animations and such. Plus hopefully they’d fix the stupid hunch.
I’d love to play one though.
The height isn’t an issue. The flagon of mead toy can be used to see how a playable Vrykul would work. Plenty tall, Kul’tirans are considerably shorter.

Because he is the last original Thornspeaker and IS a drust. He is then talking about the new Thornspeakers he trained which are all of drust lineage.

You’re absolutely sure?

Kul Tiran druids are called Thornspeakers
That NPC is a Thornspeaker. Therefore he is a druid.

He is not talking about the new Thornspeakers, he is talking about their descendents, their referring to the Kul Tirans in the previous sentence.
We literally had the devs telling us extra large Kul Tirans are genetically identical to humans, which wouldn’t happen if they were part-Drust, even if a small fraction.

If you wanted that you could always play a human.

Yeah, they also had the skeleton set to be playable back in WotLK with the trinket from the boss after the ship boss. Forget what its called but im sure some might remember. All i was saying is BFA could have a slight edge in a better direction had they used some Vrykul instead of Kul tirans. I truly believe it would have been 100x better than Kul Tirans because their counterpart the Zandalari blow them outa the water.

The Kul’tirans are the descendants.
Vrykul ARE human. Kul’tirans of all sizes are human.
Half-Vrykul are still 100% human.
The playable Kul’tirans are large due to Vrykul ancestry that was lacking the curse producing runts.

If Vrykul were human they wouldn’t be thrice their size.

Do you know the background of Vrykul or I should say the origins of the human race?

Yes, I know the origin

That was fifteen thousand years ago. Humans evolved from the deformed Vrykul children that survived and migrated south. Or are trolls and elves the same species now too?

If they give the regular human model to the Kul’Tirans does this mean they will give the regular tauren model to the Highmountain Tauren?

Screw your wall of text and screw your skinny kul’tirans

Couldn’t agree more.

I’m happy for the people that like the “bulky” models but they aren’t big enough for me, especially the women. It would be nice if we could use the standard human model for them (I’m not particularly fond of the thin human either and it doesn’t even have a female model).

These aren’t thornspeakers.
One is an injured ranger that’s part of the quest Rescue Rangers, you can see the NPC in question here at the 38 second mark. I was trying to get a picture of the NPC myself but due to phasing I can’t.

As for the second npc in question, they’re definitely not a thornspeaker either as they’re wearing the Kirin Tor tabbard. The screenshot doesn’t show the proper NPC. If you go to that location or look at the armor listed as being worn on that page you can see it doesn’t match. The Npcs in the area that are “captured thornspeakers” are large Kul’tirans wearing bear themed outfits. Reported image for being inaccurate.

Still no images of regular size humans being Thornspeakers.

I’m not even sure anymore with how players keep saying magic doesn’t change a race.

“You’re a Drust? Wasn’t there a war against them?
Indeed I am. Not all of my people agreed with the conflict. Have you never seen division among your own?
We Thornspeakers joined Kul Tiran society. Some of their descendants heard the call of the wilds and wished to learn the ancient ways, and so we have taught them.”

He’s referring to the descendants of the original Thornspeakers.

I might actually play an Alliance race properly if I can get a human that isn’t a beefcake. Go skinny humans!

Just roll a regular human?

Then he’d say some of our descendants, seeing as how he referred to the Thornspeakers in the first person.

Not if he had no descendants.

Granted it could be worded better.

The whole thin and fat KT human argument is absolutely stupid. Wah my choices. I want to play a Gnome who’s slightly larger and has one extra toe and finger than all the other Gnomes but guess what? It’s not gonna happen.

Now I’d be willing to meet this argument half way and say how about instead we get the option for vanilla humans to have different accents. A KT accent once exalted with their rep and a Gilneas accent once exalted with their rep. It could be the posture update for humans.

Maybe they could make a glove transmog or a boot that does that.
Seems like a really weird thing to want. :stuck_out_tongue:

The different bodies for KT are a lot more noticeable visually.

I’ve been saying this as well, I figured it had issues too, but you just solved my issue with the rep tie-in. Although that’d piss people off, but it seemed odd to have access to it before winning the help of the related nation.

Also similar to the black eyes for Night Elves. The rep makes more sense than a quest though.

Hey, since you’re recruited the Kul’tirans, you can now have a human that sounds like one!

This is a well written post I 100% support it.

What disappoints me the most is how few customization options fat humans get. I would not care as much about playing a normal human if we would get more faces and tattoos. I find two face options for males too few, tattoos and a full beard option would also be great.

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