Kul Tiran Paladins



I want all races to be able to be all classes. I need my Vulperan army to be complete!


And Kul Tiran warlocks too please




KT was arround in the 2nd war after all.


Oh well I guess that’s that. The owner of Blizzard said no, guys. Time to call it a day.


As far as we know they are planning on giving all races all class down the road. With the exception of Demon Hunter and Evoker.

“Kul’Tirans” are really nothing more than large humans. There is no magical drust blood or anything.

So it should have been perfectly fine for blizzard to make it so that people choosing Kultiran as paladin would start at northshire abbey, while choosing druid/shaman for human made you start in kul’tiras.


That doesn’t mean they joined the Paladins of the Silver Hand or established their own order.

Ions explanation of ‘everyone can be Warriors and Priests’ has exponentially damaged the reason why Paladins came into existence in the first place.


Demon Hunters are literally glorified warlocks, so anyone with access to warlock should have access to them too.

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If we can have Troll Paladins, any excuse for excluding other races went out the window.

They can just make up anything without any effort at this point.


Zandalari have an established reason why they are able to be Paladins though. There is a sect of them that have a fervent belief in the Loa and thus created an Order to this discipline to establish a Paladinhood.

Why do you think Orcs and Undead in the Horde can’t be Paladins, but we see them as Paladins in The Argent Dawn/Crusade or the Paladin Order Hall???


Before BFA?

Here’s the lore reason for Kul Tirans:

There was a secret sect of Drust that could harness the Light.



All the Drust are are a type of Vrykul that established themselves early on around Kul Tiras. That’s it. Their most notable practices were Druidism and Shamanism. What can Kul Tirans be? Druids and Shamans.

Humans of the Kingdom of Strom also practiced Druidism and Shamanism, but the ones that exist in Stormwind did not maintain that practice and aren’t Druids and Shamans.

Tauren established a Paladinhood because they worship An’she and devoted themselves to the light.

Dwarves do not have a Paladinhood but are able to be Paladins due to their close relation to Humans who do have an established Paladinhood and learned their ways to use the light offensively. The two known Night Elf Paladins are Paladins who adopted the same method by utilizing Human practices in Paladinhood.

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Wait, what???

I know there were orcs and Undead that teamed up with Paladins in the Argent Crusade, but they were Paladins? You sure? Because I don’t remember any of that for the storyline. Makes no sense according to lore.


They aren’t, but okay.

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Actually it does, particularly with the existence of Dwarf and Blood Elf paladins. You’re basically saying that other races picked up on it, but the naval wing of humans were like “nah.” But maybe that’s what you are saying, so then we move to the in game examples of Kul’Tiran paladins from WCIII.

There is simply no reason for Kul’Tiran not to be paladins.

You’re going to have to pick a lane. Either Zandalari have an established reason, or Kul’Tiran do not. The lore behind Kul’Tiran is way more established and nothing like the shoehorn of the Zandalari.


Lore is dead.

Everybody gets everything.


And was sent straight to the Maw.


It’s really not, though.

In a recent interview, Ion confirmed in a Wowhead interview that further class additions would be grounded with narrative continuity, so I doubt we’ll be seeing anything outlandish like an Undead Druid or Void Elf Paladin.

WoW Content Creator Interview with Ion Hazzikostas on Patch 10.0.7

Class Race Combos

  • They want to make sure there are narrative reasons for races to become classes. But gameplay-wise they are trying to open up more race-class combos, after they take story for narrative continuity.

  • There is a high likelyhood down the line that Dracthyr can wield weapons and cast Frostbolts.


It really is.

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