Kul Tiran Paladin!

The time is now my friends. Our big lads deserve this lil bit of love.

Let’s talk about the how.

During Dragonflight, we met the organization of the Tyr’s guard. One of the members was surprisingly a Kul Tiran named Hadwin. Hadwin ended up in the Order of Embers and while hunting witches, discovered the light.

Now the Tyr’s guard and Argent Crusade alone is an excuse to get whatever race of paladins blizzard could decide huts that’s no fun! So let’s take it a step further.

Drustvar. A land of Witches, blights and undead abominations. Seems to me that a paladin would find steady work there. Unlike the rest of Kul Tiras, seldom Tidemother worship is found there. The customs followed and graveyards are much more aligned with the light. The fiery abilities and rules and teaching applied but the Order of Embers is much more aligned with a paladin than almost any other class aside from hunter.

These Order of Embers crusaders could easily be represented using one key tool. A paladin mount. Let’s discuss it.

The mount? My personal preference would be a brown, silver and gold recolore of the Seabraid Stallion. It was hardly purchased and is such a cool model! It would SCREAM witch hunter

What are your thoughts, friends?

:dagger: :fire:


*When Blizzard is ready.

That’s how. Paladins for all is coming, Blizz is still working on it.

Let them do their thing, they’ll get there.

Oh I totally agree that’s it’s all going to happen in due time! So far all of the newly introduced race/class combos have come with some level of lore to explain why. The biggest recent example was for orc priests or the earthen paladin, Leif, that learned the ways of the light from the Arathi.

I do agree with you I would just love to see the little bit of flavor and fantasy that Blizzard often marvelously executes :slight_smile:

KT pally would look so awesome!

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Kultirans dont worship the light

“But you can learn to be anything you want”


The Tyr’s Guard is clear to me an in-lore reason to give any race the ability to become a paladin moving forward, as evidenced by the Kul Tiran paladin in its ranks. They will use Tyr as the conduit from which these paladins would draw their inspiration to use the Light as a source of power.

So, you may say “No,” but the reality is that a Kul Tiran can and will follow the Light for one reason or another. I actually quite like OP’s head cannon that the Order of Embers would develop a relationship to the Light through fire akin to the Arathi.

And speaking of the Arathi, while not Kul Tiran by heritage, there are humans with the same build as Kul Tirans in the Arathi ranks. With us getting the customization to have pointed ears on humans and Kul Tirans, we can assume that if anything, Kul Tirans will be able to become paladins to fulfill that fantasy.

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Didnt read a single.thing. you cant just learn specific classes.

If you’re not going to take the time to have a conversation about the thoughts I shared, then I will not take the time to care about yours.


You just did.

It’s funny. Waaay back in the original game, when it was just Warcraft, there are scenes in Kul Tiras where there are actual Kul Tirans practicing as paladins.


Nobody on the dev team was here when that happened. Which is kind of hilarious because they’re baby stepping instead of just reading up on it and going “Oh ok” flip switch " Done"


Paladin, druid, and shaman require a lot of unique art assets to suit the aesthetic of the race being played.

But you know what? Screw the other races.

Give humans our revamped paladin charger already.

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I have no problem with Kul Tiran becoming paladins. The Order of Embers is a good example of an order that works with selflessness to protect their people and fight against evil. Their members were hunters, warriors, and rogues, but I could see KT paladins coming from their ideals. Personally, I’m waiting for night elf paladins, but I’m patient.