In the earliest of Lore, Kul Tiran paladins existed. Why are there Tauren Paladins who never made sense… Troll Paladins, who also never made sense, 3 races of elves, 3 races of dwarves, lizard people, squats and furries but the one race that should above all except human (and they are human) are not paladins???
What is more upsetting is that the Death Knight, from D&D lore and from WOW lore were… wait for it… FALLEN PALADINS. But we can have DK gnomes, DK Pandas, DK everything that were never righteous by any stretch of lore history and yet they fell into darkness and became powerfull anti-paladins, fully tained in skills that never exisited outside of warrior for their race… C’mon dev’s . We don’t even need an intro or story, just enable Kul Tirans to be Paladins so ALLIANCE can have one character that is a giant and whose shoulder armor isn’t hunched up and hidden by an all too large helmet.
Troll paladins did make sense but then they didn’t when rezan died lol. Hopefully they flesh out their lore a little more. But yeah, KT paladins would be amazing.
Sunwalkers have had their lore reasoning and have existed for about 15 years at this point.
The concept of Troll Prelates being the equivalent of a Paladin has existed since Vanilla ZG.
While no playable lizard races have access to the Paladin class, any NPCs using similar abilities can be explained as using Order magic for the same purpose, since that tends to also fall into the “golden holy” category.
…and what the hell is a Squat?
Warcraft lifted a lot from Warhammer and D&D, but it is not beholden to Warhammer or D&D and has deviated from those many, many times.
That all being said, yeah, give them Paladins. Big lads deserve 'em. Worgen and Night Elves are overdue as well, and they could probably squeeze Highmountain and Darkspear in there as well in a “cultural spreading of Sunwalker/Prelate teachings” kind of way. (and if Void Elves ever get Paladin, they should probably add Nightborne to the list at that point)
I’m eagerly awaiting kul tiran paladins. Got my name reserved and everything. Lorewise I hope they make them a part of the order of embers. They fight evil, they use silver and fire. The crossover in symbolism with stormwind human paladins is perfect, but still gives them a unique flavour.
Many Arathi of The War Within uses Kul Tiran models and they all Paladins basically.
I have the felling that Blizzard has plans already to bring paladin class to Kul Tirans in some later patch.
Answer you will get them if and when they release them for everyone. So everyone who cites a lore reason why their race should have one, this is when you will get them.
Kultrans got druids and shaman based on things. They are not going to do it for a single race, post introduction. Mainly because of the uproar of the other races.
I remember when Captain Bainbridge was first datamined there was hope that his armor would be the KT heritage armor (before they were even confirmed as playable). But to no avail. Still I’m hoping that it will eventually be available from the bfa timewalking vendor, like how we eventually got Ravencrest’s armor from the legion timewalking vendor.
was so confused, but then read further and realized that that NPC is the horde’s first boss in Siege. I never played horde during BFA. Never got to see this NPC until now!