I’m trying to decide between these two races for leveling up a druid. I think both sets of forms look really good and could maybe use some tips to decide one way or another. What do you guys think?
1 thought…
As a druid, which racial would benefit you more?
As a resto druid, my Zanda never even really uses his regen ability.
My KT mage, loves using haymaker every chance I get.
Also the obvious…would you rather by Alli or Horde?
Kul’tiran for me. I love the dino look of the Zandalari forms but the massive tusks turn me off. I get that it’s a troll thing but they just ruin the forms for me.
I think I’ll try leveling both for a little bit and see if one catches my fancy.
Are you playing balance? Have you SEEEEEN the KT balance form? I mean seriously??? nuh uh no thank you move along.
But regarding racials, Embrace of the Loa is pretty great - the Crit buff is so versatile. However Brush it Off is really good for a lot of situations as well. I assume these will both be nerfed, which is why I only went Zandalari on my MW who was nightborne and wasn’t getting any benefit from that. Darkspear is great for me!
Why would you ever not use glyph of stars?
Zandalari have better Moonkin, Water, and Flight form but Kul Tirans have better Cat, Bear and Stag form
Zandalar 4ever
Yes bro! Show off those transmogs