Kul Tiran or Pandaren?

Which one for a shaman?

I decided to break my normal routine and make a thicc character, but can’t decide between these two

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You’re overlooking the dwarves why?

/arches back

We’re thicc and cute too, you know.

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They not thicc enough

Plus I have a dwarf character

/super arch

Are you telling me that to my face? Are you blind?

You can never have too many!


Female pandaren or male Kul’tiran.

Oh well maybe I should reconsider :eyes:


You should, doll. We have all the right curves in all the right places. We’re sturdy and sweet :wink:

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Kul’tiran is always the right answer unless you want to play Paladin or Warlock.

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You’re considering a race other than Kul’tiran?

Male Kul’tiran is always the right answer. If a class you want to play can’t be a Kul’tiran, then that class isn’t worth it.

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Kul’tiran of course.

Why would you want to be a panda, rolling around all over the place, leaving trails of hair wherever you go? Simply disgusting. Those vermin need to be eradicated.

Make your Kul’tiran shammy, and then use him/her to hunt down and kill every Horde panda you can see. Remember to have the Faerie Dragon soundtrack playing to enhance your experience.

/moo :cow:

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Depends on your personality. Panda looks like you don’t take yourself or the game seriously (which is not bad, really). Kultirans have a daddy characteristic meaning you look like you can protect someone.

Or if you are a gay bear, I guess then Kultiran is mandatory.

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KT. They’re a cool shaman.

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Vulpera /10chars

The Kul’tirans do have the Drust and Tidesages backgrounds. :robot: