Kul Tiran Druids are missing their flight form color variants

Unlike most other druids, Kul Tiran humans and Zandalar trolls have color variations on their travel forms. Currently however, Kul Tirans are missing their flight form color variants, and will default to the beige-ish autumn tint regardless of hair or skin color.

I’d really love to be able to show off the black version of the KT flight form as I think it looks far more spooky. Blizzard, please fix asap!


Yes please, I’ve been waiting for this fix.


Zandalari have the flight form color variants. Why wouldn’t KTs have them too?

It’s a bug.

Which flight form? I have a different flight form coloration than other kultiran’s i know, it’s almost pure white, but I’m using the classmount flightform.

All Kul Tirans are locked into the white flight form currently. Even changing hair or skin color won’t affect the model’s color.

Meanwhile, zandalari have color variants AND a swift flight form, neither of which kultiran have.

Tauren have only one colour variant of their flight form. So does everyone else as far as I’m aware.

I assume you’re talking about swift flight form and not lunarwing form.

Not the new generation of allied races. Zandalari and Kul Tiran druids have color variants for their flight forms in the game. However only Zandalari are able to actually use/activate them. KTs are bugged and will not be able to switch color like Zandalari can. They are permanently stuck in the light beige/white variant.

Bumping this. As of november my flight form is stuck in the brown variant.

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Still having problem…

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This is still an issue, and having read all others’ replies, I agree that if the Zandalari druid has access to different flight form colors, so should the Kul Tiran. Please fix this - really, how hard can it be?


There are a few other threads on this. All very old, as this has been an unfixed problem for three years now. The most confusing thing I’ve found is video footage of all four flight variants from the BfA PTR. Meaning, the art was done, coded, and functioned adequately on a playable server. Then all but one variant (the brown one) was left out of the live release.

To any Blizzard rep that may have stumbled upon this, if this is a bug can you pass this info along… and if it is not a bug, can you still try and do something to get these missing forms back in the game?

Below is a link to another post I made that contains links to pictures and video of the four variants in question. They look amazing. Don’t let them go to waste!

Kul Tiran Flight Form - Support / Bug Report - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)

Or, you know, they did fix the issue THIS thread was about, and there is a new bug causing an issue that is very much like the issue, but not the same. Just because it looks the same, doesn’t mean it is the same.

That’s simply not the case. The four variants seen on the BfA PTR have never been available in a live release… only the brown one. Regardless of the reason(s), the black, green, and yellow variants have yet to be added. There are three skins with the work completed, that are simply being unused.

The point of revisiting this thread is to bring attention to this still-unresolved issue, whether it’s a bug or an oversight. The exact same color variants were implemented for every other KT druid form and work fine. The single, brown variant available for flight form works fine. The other three options need to be added/fixed. More customization options are better for the game, especially when they are already ready to go.

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