Kul Tiran Druid Motivations

So as I’m getting up in leveling my Druid, I was looking to start RPing more with her and was looking at what might be her motivations as a Druid since she is Kul Tiran? It doesn’t seem as cut and dry as the Night Elf and Tauren cultures.

The drustvar zone might give you inspiration. If I recall correctly, Kultiran druids follow the teachings of the drusts, their druidism is more about the cycle of life and death of nature.

Kultirans in general have are pretty strongly themed as general adventures, what with being a culture of sailors and monster-hunters.

See the world, visit exotic ports of call. Fist fight someone on every continent.

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First step…

  1. Stop calling yourself a Druid. that’s more of a Kalimdor thing.

  2. Think of yourself as a Thornspeaker instead. If you’re going to lean into your KT identity, your response is Mal who?


So this was extremely helpful, especially since overall outside of shared abilites I don’t ever get that Druid feeling from the culture so it’s good to see there is a specific regional appropriation of such. Thank you for the link, definitely what I was looking towards!


How I see it, Druids of the Thorn (Kul Tiran) follow a kind of tenant different yet similar to mainland Druidism.

Thornspeakers believe that death is as important to life as well… Life is. It’s about how new life can form from death.

Druid of the X is a Night Elf thing. Thornspeaker is the Kul Tiran term.

That’s it, my bad.

My point still stands :slight_smile:

Makes me think of the Verbena from Mage: The Ascension.

Circle of Spore Druids in D&D are basically the same thought process too.

I’m not a huge Verbena guy, I’m more of a Sons of Ether kinda dude :smiley:

I prefer Electrodyne Engineer, myself.

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Ah, I see, another good choice. I played a Sons of Ether dude who was a punk rock roadie, his tech involved upgrading amps and using electric guitars, was pretty sweet.

Mine was a true…Spark… a bit of a girl genius.