Kudos to Blizzard: This expac is Fun

No expac has zero issues, but I’m having fun again. I am way behind most of you, having not gotten my main to max yet because I started late and play slow. I started late because I just couldn’t play after Shadowlands, which was such a disappointment.

This expac is redemptive. It recaptures the charm of earlier expacs. I am not great at dragon riding but it IS fun. I die pretty often but that is on me and my old and slow fingers; I can still play if I am patient . The world is GORGEOUS and fun to explore. The story has been interesting thus far. Most of all, I just WANT to play. I really look forward to it in a way I haven’t since MoP. And there are rewards for playing! No more grim grinding for a possible shot at maybe a reward.

I know numbers might be down but this is, I think, the result of the previous expac being bad after BfA was a very mixed bag. I hope Blizz will keep striving to make expacs this good. I think players will come back if they keep respecting player time and keep making game-play feel rewarding.

Thank you, Blizzard. I can tell you didn’t phone it in and that you wanted to make a game that rocks. After some hard times for all of us, this is a dragon-breath of fresh air.


I’m happy if you’re happy


You’d likely find it even more fun if you weren’t on Farstriders. I made a dwarf warrior there once. Still collecting dust. Place is pretty dead.

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I know people who quit during cataclysm who have come back to DF and they are having a ball.

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I am a big fan of DF, loving the keys in this season, loving the new raid, and the gearing is convenient as well. At the end of the season I will try out more pvp and get those rival achieves because the mogs look great.


It’s a good one to pop into here and there.

The quality of the expansion has been quite all over the place tbh

It started out pretty strong, then we had 2 mediocre patches in 10.0.5 and 10.0.7 (but theyre small patches so thats fine)
Then we had 10.1 and it was total garbage. Honestly the least fun ive ever had in the game.
Now we have 10.1.5 and its super fun again. But also super buggy.

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Its def alot better than SL … Although i played alot more during BFA than DF

Everybody was a little wonky with it at first. Reminds me of that scene in Watership Down where Kehaar tries to fly and he fumbles a little before actually flying lol


I actually found it to be very natural and intuitive.
Pretty much the first thing i did after unlocking it was to go around and get gold in every race.

My other half on the other hand STILL has not worked out that if you want to keep momentum, dont aim your dragon upwards at all times.
Watching him fly makes me want to pull my hair out.

Oh I’m sure. But even when I picked it up quickly I still had my derp moments lol

Just “yay I’m having fun oh crap that’s a tree”

Hey, welcome back to WoW! I also have really been enjoying DF! I think most of the new zones are pretty to look at and fun to explore, which is just what we needed: a World of Warcraft.

Hang in there on the Dragon Riding part, too! Once you get enough glyphs, you can unlock some really helpful powers on it.


Agreed with OP! Dragonflight is a delight.


i’ve never seen this.

i know i should… but… i hear that bad things happen to bunnies :pensive:

Glad you’re enjoying it.

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Being able to fly right off is the best thing about it in my opinion. Would have liked it a lot better if they hadn’t gone currency crazy.


Forget the woondz.

Muh baghs

Its better than the last few, devs did some solid work.

Community started touching it, so it immediately took it down a few notches.

Trying to gear alts that aren’t 430+ even for normal aberrus or M+ is pretty sad. Not to mention dudes wanting AOTC for Heroic, are AOTC themselves yet can’t pull more than 70-80k DPS 435+ ilvls, then get upset when called out.

H Sark is easier than a +2 key, yet people massively screw that up.

There is potential for change, which is what blizzard have shown in this expansion. Whether this potential evolves into actually making the game fun and worthwhile again, remains to be seen. That is the short answer.

The long one, is that blizzard have shown willingness to let certain systems go, this hints to a potential shift in game-design philosophy. If the game is to be made fun and worthwhile, the philosophy would need to further change.

Blizzards needs to get rid of their constant need for new currency, and remain at two constant currencies that works through base game and through all expansions. Stop forcing people to grind new currencies all the time, stop wasting peoples time. If need be, atleast just convert end-game currency to mid-game currency with every major patch that introduces a new raid with gear on a higher level. Currency should obviously be used to buy mini-pets, cosmetics, and even ilvl gear.

We will also need to see a change in the philosophy that keeps WoW being a strictly dungeon and raiding game, with PvP as a minor side dish. It needs activities that is not associated with simply increasing your ilvl, but content that rewards such things as cosmetics, mounts, pets, content like Torghast but without making it a legendary grind or a gear-grind, aka, not making every single piece content outlive its usefulness after the next patch/Expansion hits.

It is something that World of Warcraft developers have a habit of doing.

It is important to remember, that the only reason that Dragonflight appears good, is because Shadowlands set the bar so drastically low. Everything would be an improvement over Shadowlands. Me, who have never bought or played Shadowlands, ended up seeing the exact same wrongs that lead to the development of Shadowlands - but I do also see potential, but it is still not drastic enough, but hopefully it will be with the expansion after Dragonflight. Personally, I am waiting to see until the release of the expansion after the expansion following Dragonflight.

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Its still a lovely movie.

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