KSM Season 3 Mount


Look, I get it. The Armoredons are cool, and the S1 was passable, the S2 version was actually good, but this?

M+ players have been asking for a while to stop giving us ground mounts. I understand the logic that we can use them more in dungeons, and that’s the whole idea, but this is just getting to be a little overplayed and not to mention, we can use flying mounts as ground mounts. We’re playing an expansion called Dragonflight and we’re being rewarded with lizards? Raiders have been getting dragon riding skins, and next raid tier they’re getting an actual mount. Arena mains have been getting skins as well. RBGs have been getting ground mounts as well, which I think they could use some love equally as well (but I’m not as well versed in the PvP community so I won’t really talk there). I get it, we’re going to the dream, gotta fit the theme, but this mount just does not look good. I thought the S1 mount would be the worst one but this really takes the cake tbh.

Does the mount look interesting? Sure. Deserving of KSM? No. Even the Shadowlands elemental mounts weren’t particularly great, but at least they could fly.

I had higher hopes that we would be getting cool or interesting mounts, unique dragons or something that would be befitting of the dragonflights we would meet. Maybe be based off of each season’s incarnate, but we’re just getting these oversized kodos that don’t really hold a candle to the other activities mounts. If you are so insistent on the armoredons, at least put some effort into them rather than stitching on a green dragon’s flail and some little druidic flairs to it.

Extremely disappointed so far with these KSM rewards tbh.


Another boring recolor? Total cringe :-1:


I agree with most of your post except this statement, these KSM mounts are a joke compared to the awesome SL ones. If there’s one reason I’m glad I played Shadowlands, it’s this:



Bro once they pick the skeleton for that expansion. You are stuck with it. The time to complain was during DF development. The most you can change is what colors you get.


And the SL ones can fly, yeah? Been a while since I took it out for a trip around the patch


Yeah, I guess I should’ve clarified that in the broad selection we’ve been given, but yes I agree, by comparison they are really bad compared to the SL ones.

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Sadly that seems to be the case. Although I wish it weren’t, it seems like we’re stuck with these ones, which is very disheartening.

We’re in a dragon themed expansion and we got shafted with armoredons of all things, like - there are so many other elementals they could have picked from if they were so inclined, dragons, birds, anything at all.

I’m still so sad SL had to be so bad that I quit and missed this. I love this mount. I got the purple and gold one, but I’d trade it for the red one in a second.

Still wondering why it wouldn’t be a dragon riding skin. It’s like they wanted less people to do it…


I can guarantee people complained before it was implemented. This looks like a mount you just buy at exalted and never use again.


Tell that to incomplete talent trees and poorly made ones that made it to live version…

Us “complaining” did nothing during that period unless we were worlds first guilds or 0.01%'ers who push regular +30’s every season. All you heard from SL complaints were from those people and we didn’t get what was needed until 10.1.5.

They really outdid themselves this time! Wow so amazing didn’t think they could one up the first seasons mount but hey good work!.

Season 2 was cool but this ? Pretty lack luster imo, definitely would have liked a dragon riding skin. Or a flying mount at least… oh well.

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Oh great, another recolor of a hideous ground mount. Thanks guys! I’ve never used the other two a single time and idk if I’ll be around to get this gem with how crappy things have been going in this game.

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Can indeed. I went all in to get the last one as they looked like Voidwalkers and really should have gone for the others but, well, Shadowlands