KSM mount feels like they just gave up

At least in season 2 they gave that one a very good glow all over and made it very earth like. This feels like a generic rep mount you would buy from a vendor after exalted.


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They gave up at the start of the expansion with KSM mounts.


Or they already had these mounts has KSM rewards before the expansion launch and they were stubborn and never change their mind.

All the KSM mounts this expansion have been terrible. Granted, you can get KSM in two weeks with your eyes closed now, so it’s not a very meaningful achievement anymore, but still.

Man, I miss flying mounts at least for KSM

Posting link for ease

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Eh, all KSM mounts are kinda uninspired, if you ask me.

SL, all the same, just four different recolors of the same death-voidwalker thing.

DF, same thing, just three different ‘armoredons’, or dragon-kodos. They’re more different than the SL mounts, because they aren’t just recolors. Look at the pinecone tail on the latest one, lol.

At least the PvP mounts are different species.

For PvP, we got a sabretooth cat in season one, a lava snail in season two, and now we get one of those moonbeast/owlbear mounts.

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We changed their minds in shadowlands season 4. Sadly there wasnt enough complains for this 1.

I agree that recolors are lame compared to cool, unique mount models, but the SL ones were so, so, so much better than the DF ones. People used those (even before flying in SL zones), I basically never see people on the DF ones.

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Are you talking about the color? Because that was an easy win but regarding DF it was an entire different issue. A lot of players asked for an actual Dragon Riding model for M+ not a different color. I didn’t even see a post about this season color being an issue since its really different from previous ones.

And the SL ones flew. In an expansion named Dragonflight, feels odd that the KSM mounts can’t. I would actually prefer drake manuscript or armor or skin unlock for KSM.


100%, I think a full transformation glyph would have made way more sense

It was doomed the moment it couldn’t fly.

Mounts that cannot fly are a waste of space.

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Nobody likes a whiner!
~Bill Murray

M+ is the minor leagues for raiding. The rewards are supposed to be lackluster.

I agree OP but it is a pretty green color at least, lol.

They probably made m+ mounts garbage because m+ exists in their eyes to steer people into raiding for the mythic raid mounts or pvp for the glad mounts.

They don’t want m+ being its own pillar, as the devs are deathly afraid of any game mode that remotely gives player agency or leverage against timegate. They REALLY want to control player progression on a trashy timegate basis imo rather than let them “finish” whenever they feel like.

I do miss getting totally different KSM mounts back in BFA. The last 2 expansions of recolors have been pretty lazy rewards.

That’s a pretty hilarious troll.

Not having a flight-capable KSM mount in an expansion with a “theme” of flying/zooming around the sky was a huuuuuge blunder imo

It’s like, bruh… why? :man_facepalming::man_facepalming::man_facepalming:

I don’t understand why pvp gets sweet dragon appearances while KSM gets ground-locked mounts.

Kinda boring.

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