Kris Zierhut interview states no RDF but will implement tank/healer dungeon incentives

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Found this interview uploaded today with Kris, basically he said that they don’t plan on implementing RDF at launch because, at least for the first few weeks, it would make gearing for dungeons too easy and change the endgame experience.

Then he said new information which will be that they’ll add bonuses to tanks and healers doing dungeons to make more people want to roll those roles for the dungeon. He states this at about 19 minutes in.


I feel like, they could just as easily exclude Wrath dungeons from the RDF and avoid the issue he mentions and appeal to both sides, but incentives seem good – although tanks and healers already would have an extremely easy time leveling up.

Edit: So people don’t say I’m misinterpreting this (all I did was paraphrase him) here is the exact quote from this interview:

“We have to look into what it is that we value about classic. Our most important values about the classic experience is the social experience of meeting new people, building parties, building raids, building guilds, building social networks between guilds and all these people, you know, on your server, the people that you, you contact with on social media and communicate with and organize raids with, we want to keep that as strong as we can make it, thats our core value. If our core value is we want people want people to get into dungeons and through content and be able to play as much as they want then we would say okay we do want LFD, but if our core value is that we want to keep the social experience as strong as we can possibly make it then the LFD is something that feels risky to us for Classic. It’s a fantastic tool for the modern game which has taken many more steps in the direction of letting people play across server but where classic is it would change things in a way we don’t think would be healthy for the Classic community.”

“There are other reasons for for not doing it. If we put in the LFD tool right at the beginning of Classic, it would fundamentally change how you would gear up your character. It would fundamentally change the feel of those first few weeks on Classic Lich King because you can do more dungeons, you can do them faster, and you can do the same dungeon multiple times per day if you just keep on chaining through heroics. People would gear up much faster they would exhaust the content much faster, they would exhaust the content much faster they’d get bored with it much faster, so we think there’s risks when recreating the experience of Wrath of the Lich King as it was. Looking for Dungeon at launch would change that. It would be a different experience.”

And then he goes into the tank/healer bonuses


Not having RDF is definitely one of the bigger mistakes in gaming history.


Thank god for that, RDF was terrible for the game.

Looks like Blizzard did what’s right and kept it out of our Classic realms.


Just set your damn egos aside and put in RDF.


Yeah, I agree. There’s ways to combat the RDF concerns affecting endgame without not implementing it at all.

I appreciate the concept of wanting us to socialize more but the actual experience isn’t like what it was in 2008. People have done this 200000 times in the last 14 years and are more impatient now and the experience is less social regardless. They could do realm-specific dungeon finder, they could exclude Northrend dungeons, there’s better ways to handle this than just encouraging more people to roll tank or healer


Verifiably, it wasn’t. Population grew after rdf, and reached its peak. Cata was terrible for the game.


It’s a good compromise but still doesn’t help old content. The main reason LFD/RDF is needed is to find people for 1-60 content. Even outland will be deserted once wrath gets going.


Honestly tho props to MrGM for being the one to just say directly that we want RDF. That could go along way for getting it implemented even if Kris said no in the moment.



That would be a slightly more defensible position, but there are other ways to address gear inflation via RDF other than "WELP NO RDF FOR ANYBODY".

Namely, the removal of RDF specifically (and the daily that awards +2 badges) but keeping the LFD mechanics in-place. In addition (or alteratively), implement RDF but limit heroics to server-only.

But no.


I found this bit interesting.

They said they enjoyed the cross-over between retail and classic. I guess Blizzard doesn’t agree with some of the classic folks on this forum telling folks to go back to retail when Blizzard is adding incentives for them to come to classic. :smile:


I honestly think if dungeon finder specifically targeting leveling, and nothing more than beyond the normal 5 man dungeons, i don’t really feel it would be a huge problem.

Just make it so you cant que for heroics and raids.


The bonuses are a great idea, but there’s no reason to use those as the justification to not add LFD in. You could just roll both features out together so that tanks and healers queue up for the bonus and everyone else gets to queue in.

Seriously blizzard is such a joke.


Sounded like they are leaving the door wide open to possibly adding RDF at some point in the game’s life just not at launch.


I’m sure it’s working the other way as well, Classic Wrath made me try Retail (for when I need breaks from Classic, I get burnt out after a few hours of questing).


I’d say it’s inevitable. It’s just when is the question. Makes you wonder if they are doing this just to watch the community tear itself apart. The next couple of weeks to a month will be interesting.


I agree, the way he kept saying “at least for the first few weeks” sounds like “maybe we’ll do it after the first raid is out”


That’s what I figured from the way it was worded. They want to let it play out without LFD for phase 1 and then probably re-assess. I doubt we’ll see any further news until Phase 2.


It could be because they plan on adding RDF at some point just not at launch.


Wait… I thought Brian said it was because of “social interactions.” Which Blizzard guy is lying to us?


I understand their reasoning to not put it in at launch. But they are clearly leaving the door open.

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