Kriegval's Rest fire bugged

Just attempted Kriegval’s Rest on t8. The fire that blocks the final room is buggy. I walked between the double rotating beams and caught fire no matter how far away from the actual fire I was. Lost 4 lives to burning because there was no way to safely pass the fires. Resetting to see if it happens again.


Did this to me to, I had to reset the delve. The spinner was damaging the full circle around it, instead of the bar of fires. At 90 degrees from the fire bars if you enter the range, it instantly ignites you.


me too. would go right through the middle, yet still die because of the flames.


This happening to me as well. Even on Tier 7 it ignites me no matter what and there is no way to out heal the damage. Please fix the hit box on these flames and/or the amount of obscene damage they do if you do get touched. I feel they are incorrectly scaling somehow and from some source. Ridiculous.

I had the same issue tonight. I got behind the group to loot something, and when I was catching up I walked through what was VERY clearly safe on my screen, and died to it. Later I followed the group through one of the fire traps… we were walking right through the fire beam on my screen, but took no damage at all.

Same on multiple days. Bountiful Delves wasted all deaths to the fires there.